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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "From the moment you shift from, why is this happening to me, to why am I creating this or why am I responding this way, you begin to heal wounds and take back personal power." Liara Covert





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What are they really saying?

During a given day, you are consciously focused on completing a series of tasks.  You also react to what life throws you. Part of you reacts instinctively and other parts react based on conditioning.  What are your mind and body really saying?  Is this all a dream?

Think about your workplace. It is entirely likely that you periodically encounter disgruntled people.  This could be on the phone, across the counter, in the staff room, or  in some other interaction. You may evolve to see each encounter as a test for your patience, understanding, and ability to shake off the small stuff. How do you fare?

Think about your home life. When you leave and return, you leave with one set of emotions and return with the emotional results of your experiences. Do not assume that people around you will bring about much-needed changes in you.  As you become aware of what mind and body are telling you, then you choose what to retain and what to let go.

While at the gas station, I recently opened the door for a man who had his hands full of groceries.  Although he appeared surprised, he smiled and thanked me as he walked past.  The cashier was gob-smacked.  He confided to me that he had never before seen a female open a door for a male.  He also shared how he had almost given up on opening doors for women.  So many had reacted negatively to him, as if to say they were fully capable of doing it themselves.  My mind and body tell me what feels right. Regardless of external reactions, I rely on myself and have faith.  Do what makes sense to your mind and body.

You may ask, what ever happened to chivalry? If you choose to find anything in life, then you create it.  You may have heard someone say they expect dismissive remarks.  That is precisely what they experience, over and over. Positive, uplifting things are alive and well for those who invite this energy and are receptive.  What do you really say now?



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Reader Comments (4)

Very good. We must listen to our intuition and do what want to expect in the world. We are the element of the change which we desire to see.
November 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Mark, intuition is a teacher that whispers to each person on a regular basis. You have choices to listen. To recognize the power within yourself puts you in a position to help others find themselves in a process of self-healing and re-generation. Nobody but you can decide to change some part of you. Doors of opportunity continually open for you to help others and yourself. Each person has been given an inquisitive mind. This grows and develops as you use it. As you welcome questions, you realize you truly desire answers.
November 12, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
My boss (who is a millionaire several times over) always used to say "Don't sweat over Trivia"

It worked for him.

Equally, if I frown at someone, I set off a ripple of discontent that can multiply like a chain letter

equally if I smile at someone...


November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
Henry, I send positive energy right back at you and into the world so others benefit. It all begins within each of us, one energy vibration at-a-time.
November 13, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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