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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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9 Ways to Re-program the mind to get what you want

How many are aware of the origin of our thoughts? Many people are under mind control.  To free the mind, we have to question our reality and what we are creating for ourselves. The surce of all misery on the planet can be linked back to ego desire.  Is it easier to change your thinking or the world? Ponder nine ways to reprogram the mind;

1. Know how the mind works

Only 5% of our behaviour is conscious (analytical).  95% of what governs our behaviour comes from our subconscious mind (which is survival-based).  The only way to overcome what holds us back is to reprogram the subconscious mind.  Fritz Perls says, "Lose your mind and come to your senses." In other words, get out of your head and get into your heart.  What is the conscious mind? It deals with the past, present and future (understands in terms of linear time). It is about what contributes to identity or sense of self.

What is the subconscious mind? It is always awake, taking in information even when you are sleeping.  It expresses itself through the body, lives in the present moment. It is non-linear. If something happened to you 5yrs or 10yrs ago, the body experiences it as if its happening now. Lingering tension is not time-related. It conveys messages from the subconscious which also works through images. This is about taking responsibilty for what we are watching and feeling. Everything we see is stored in the subconscious which invites opening or deepening feeling centres.  

2. Trust

When we tell ourselves in thought, words or action that we cannot do something, we are allowing mind to limit our experience. When we trust that something is happening even when the mind cannot see the means or way to do it, but focus on knowing we are doing it anyway, this is trusting intuition. 

As you trust yourself more, you grow more intuitive and reprogram the subconscious mind.  You are entering the realm where nothing is logical. The conscious mind tells you this is crazy, that you do not need it, but the subconscious mind knows the truth.  Only synchronicity exists. The subconscious mind is a supercomputer and can do a zillion things now. You simply allow it to manifest abundance and other things or block it.

We have to place ourselves in an environment that compliments our energy. We also need to create images that clear our negative energy and help us lead the life we want.  The conscious mind is a good liar. It tells you that you are undeserving. Subconscious mind reveals the truth in the state of our body.  The universe gives us what we feel in our body. 

3. Reframe value

Imagine money as energy currency.  We are the intrinsic value within ourselves. How we view our intrinsic value affects how we manifest money which itself is neutral.  Money is a medium of exchange.  Reframing self-worth implies being detached from money and the imagined need for it.  Only then can you step into and vibrate from the realm of abundance.  Knowing what you want is important but we have to honour our worthiness through honouring everything around us.  We have to see that we are priceless and that everything is coming from you.  People who know their self worth are wealthy.  We place ourselves in or project environments that compliment our energy.

4. Total body awareness

Absorb yourself into the present moment.  This is where our subconscious mind lives.We have to see that always living in the head, we are disconnected from the heart.  The heart does not have to think, it only has to feel. Meditation gives us clarity of mind. We grow sensitive of our own impulses.  Every day, we grow more aware of our habits. Surrender the persona who is your mask. We are not only pure energy, but nature's indefinable.  Take time to walk through nature. We have to re-program the subconscious mind.  What kind of environment are we in? Everything in our body is based on our environment. Its a lot easier to see how tense our muscles are by growing aware of how we breathe, how deep.

5. Break your routine

Routines serve us.  Growing conscious of our routines and why we do the things you do, serves us. Its about forming new habits that work in our favor.  The more we do something, the more it becomes a habit. Move out of comfort zones.  Negative people are projections of what we need to work on ourselves. The secret is how we react to them. The attitude is key here. Breaking habits in terms of lifestyle. As we take the first step, we put things in motion that enables us to become the greatest versions of ourselves. We have to break the habit of ways our subconscious mind takes in information. We have a choice, we are co-creators of our reality. We liberate ourselves from he routine that is no longer serving us.

6.  Change our beliefs (or let them go)

During the first seven years of life, you are programming the subconscious mind. We are told things during the first seven years that  contribute to our sense of self.  Once you start questioning beliefs/habits consciously, you start reprogramming the subconscious (feeling) mind. If you think you are not good enough, you can ask why and show yourself that you are worthy.  Change habitats to change habits. Repreogram the subconscious mind become more of thee greateest version of you. Forgive yourself. We do not have to blame parents or role models for who we are. The secret is in not externalizing our power. Many of us attack what we hate rather than promote what we love. Be the water, the super alchemist.  In changing our belief systems, the words we speak form our belief systems. We can all learn from each other's perspectives. Right now, a new world is being formed. This is about embracing the power of Now. Losing thebcomeing the senses. This is how you reprogram the subconscious mind. A lot of people live in repeat based on uncosncious memories. Get into creating new memories. Be open to new expereinces.  New memories become your new subconscious mind.

7. Move regularly

Exert yourself physically.  When we are not in our own bio-rhythm, life is out of balance.  Moving into your body is speaking the same language as the subconscious mind.  The subconscious mind works through imagery.  We create the image we want the subconscious image to portray.  We do not get what we want, we get a mirror of what the body vibrates.

8. Priming the subconscious mind

The subconscious mind works through association. Visualize a color and and object that is that color.  Prime your subconscious mind with healthy raw food. Eat the best foods and treat your body well.  Spend time in nature and this aids you to function more in the present moment. The more you tap into your subconscious mind, the more you reconfigure the master computer.  The more you move into your emotions, you learn more about how you feel.  Once you grow more aware of how you feel, this changes everything.

9. Align words, thoughts and actions

When thought, word and deed are aligned, life is in harmony.  We upgrade, update and live a better version of ourselves.  Do we embody self-love in all our actions? What are we doing right now to cultivate self -love for ourselves? What else could we be doing?


The Power of Love 

Love is described in many ways.  Often overlooked is that every instance you say, "I love ...anything" perpetuates illusions of separation. Humans are taught to fear the impersonal. This is why its common to be concerned with creating an identity, gathering labels, credentials and accumulating roles and experiences or stories to share.  People are taught to fear losing these ideas, and so, experience a tug-of-war within. Whenever discomfort arises, this is a gauge you are drifting or turning away from the truth felt in the heart. The power of love never stops vibrating through everything. Your body is simply a vehicle where you tune in or out of the flow of something bigger than you.

Watch what happens as you turn away from the personal, from desires and fears, from the thoughts and memories they create, the sense of linear time and space or familliar points of reference.  Hence the phrase, 'all roads lead to Rome'.  Home is not a place, but a feeling that is felt come what may. Being the witness allows the natural state to reveal itself beyond self-created illusions.  Every moment the Light has potentlal to illuminate itself.

Thus, it is said, whatever you do, happiness is. It is not dependent on experiences. Real love is without conditions.  Everything is actually love energy in motion.  What is perceived is shaped by mental filters until mental filters are recognized as they are and allowed to dissolve.

The true Power of Love is felt as everything is felt to have equal value.  That is, everyone you meet, every experience is created, orchestrated and/or destroyed by you for lessons.  Every revelation triggered, every thought and feeling, is the universe speaking to and through itself, in infinite diversity. 


The Best decisions: 10 Ways to make them

Every moment, thoughts are racing through the mind. You may wonder how to know what are the best decisions for you regarding your personal, professional or other areas of your life.  The buck stops here.  That is, its the perfect moment to take responsibility for how you perceive life to be unfolding, rather than blame someone else for what does not feel right inside or what does not appear to be going well.  Consider ten ways to make the best decisions in any situation:

1) Pay closer attention. Everything in life is connected.  Every synchronicity guides you to another when you are open and receptive.  Be alert.  Every encounter and situation is an opportunity.  Rather than ask why me, why now? Know the 'what' guides you to why & how.

2) Listen to the heart.  Call it intuition, call it what you will.  If the urge arises to turn right, to go to a place you have never visited, let it happen.  There is more going on than meets the eye.  Know you do not have to get your head around everything.  Best things cannot be explained.

3) Use Integrity. Being honest is often conditioned out of people. Notice where you fear telling the truth, fear losing pride or not getting someone's approval. Decisions based on fear never feel right. Decisions based on enthusiasm or heartfelt joy use love as a reliable compass.

4) Know your audience.  Recognize you can find a sympathetic or supportive audience for any choice that feels right to you.  People who would not do what you do only distract you from your inner compass.  Nobody actually knows you better than you know yourself. 

5) Identify core value. Notice the value of any given decision or result is purely personal. You establish your needs and imagine what could satisfy them.  Only you can determine how important some situation, state of mind or being is for you.  You are the measurer and the ruler.

6) Be aware of underlying motivation. Every decision you make has a trigger.  Some are more obvious than others.  You may think you are ready for a life change or notice you are in a position to help others. When motivated by love, you are always making the best choice.  

7) Know the power of surrender. You can create goals, design a path to realize them and still wonder what is going wrong.  To know the power of surrender is to feel that every experience is helping you to grow more conscious of what you overlook about your life.

8) Accept many roads exist. Whatever you would like to experience in life, there is more than one way to do it.  The mind limits your view of what is possible. The heart always sees a way.  From the moment you let go of complete control, options present you had not imagined.

9) Who's decision is it? This may seem funny, but its common for people to make decisions for themselves based on what 'somebody else' or 'everyone' thinks is best.  Discover who in your life is influencing you. Why allow this?  Know you have the courage to listen more to yourself.

10) Lose the inner judge. An amazing thing happens as you cease to judge your prospective options.  All of them appear equal.  That is, whether you attend this school or that school, take this job or that job, engage in this activity or that activity, commit more seriously to this relationship or break it off, take this course of treatment or not, lessons are available for you to learn about yourself and feel happy, peaceful and fulfilled.  Get to know how you think and feel.  The revelation that you can do it anywhere, under any conditions itself, transforms your life.


You see it all 

As you imagine a place without any distinction whatsoever, you no longer notice anything is bad or wrong.  You love something about everything. You know everything turns out well.  At any given moment, you exist in the best-feeling place you can find.  It is no longer possible to experience the absence of something you want.  You only vibrate on the same frequency as that which resonates with you and you have it all.  You choose to allow everything. You only see things through eyes that sense wellness, love, abundance, appreciation, value, compliments, advantages, optimism and align this.  You see it all through you.  You only see the best in yourself.  Focus on that feeling.  You expand love into places you do not yet dream.


Lose your head

Remember the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland? She evokes fear in anyone she does not like by threatening to cut off his head.  The Legend of Sleepy Hollow often causes goosebumps with tales of the Headless Horseman.  He appears as a ghost to warn of the danger of decapitation. Does the prospect of being headless scare you or trigger other feelings?

Another way to lose your head is to stop analyzing. You can view every moment as a golden opportunity to quiet the mind and look deeper inside yourself. The moment you step outside mind, you rediscover what is there. You have intrinsic value, lasting strength and unconditional wisdom. Where is your head right now? Only as you choose to recall who you are can you become all you are meant to be. Your world is created in you.