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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in value (19)


Notice vibration is value

Many people nurture beliefs about value and perpetuate their own misperceptions and misunderstanding. Consider your own assumptions about value.  Do you imagine value only comes from physical action? Notice how you limit your sense of value. Realize you have the capacity to be more aware of things that bother you, of feelings that worry you, of knowing what you do not want. Realize this all tells you what you do want.  Notice every feeling has a vibration.  Every feeling has value and tells you if you are aligned with what matters.  What do you want to feel?  What matches that? How do you soften your resistance?

As you realize you have intrinsic value, you also realize you have control about how you feel. As you tap into the energy that flows, you have the potential to experience everything that enables you to feel good. You are in the process of recognizing beliefs that are not working, and creating a bridge to beliefs that move you from illusions of lack, pain and scarcity to a life of abundance.  Life is easy when you choose.

The power of the mind is what matters. You are in the process of remembering to free the mind from the illusions you create and perpetuate with worry and resentment you harbour.  Your response to things is already changing. Thought is vibration.  You awaken to the tug of war you create with your own polarity and how you can ease up on the habits of thought. Your response keeps you in a chronic place and you can get out of this at any point in this process.  Amazing things are unfolding in your life.  Accept or resist.  Once you know you are the essence of energy being, there is no going back to ignorance.  Bliss is now something else.  You feel aligned with vibrational reality.  You sense value in expansion you do not see.


Recognize the nature of intelligence

Many people ask, what is intelligence?  Answers sought outside self differ from those offered at soul level.  Where do you look?

In the global marketplace, the economics of supply and demand suggest intelligence is quantifiable.  Participating soceties create imagined needs.  In this way, a person is viewed as intelligent according to practical utility of or marketability of skills or inventions. 

In realms where beliefs reign, intelligence is grounded in principles and value judgements.  Assumptions emerge like those who are more intelligent necessarily have more or less material wealth, health or specific conditions that are not equally accessible, yet widely desirable. 

From another vantage point, intelligence is something earned through experience in this and other lifetimes.  Consider societies that revere elders, reincarnated spirits, cultural history, or rituals and traditions which are practiced and mastered over time. 

Ultimately, people can say things about your body or mind, but does this truly reflect intrinsic value? Who can say anything about soul? What if everyone is gifted with the same infinite, inner knowing, yet accepts this to greater and lesser degrees? Only soul echoes the truth.


6 Ways to create synchrony and wealth

Wealth can be felt as the awareness of and interconnection among at least six areas of your life. You can sense how these areas influence how you think and interpret what is unfolding.  Discern with gratitude. This opens you up to sense new dimensions of happiness. You benefit from recognizing how you decide what to think and feel.  Your beliefs determine what you see happening, not what is.

The universe moves constantly. You influence events you perceive. Your thoughts and depth of self-understanding initiate purposeful visualisation and action. This isn't about getting things. Its about being receptive to the wealth that is already available to you.  No matter where you are or what your conditions, you can take responsibility, recognize synchrony and progress into deeper wealth. 

Exercise: list things you feel enrich your life. At a bare minimum, aach of the following areas requires attention for you to feel your way into true wealth: 

Financial- Go further than visualize paying today's bills or meeting basic needs. Imagine what you do with lots of money. Be specific. How can you provide value or serve? Behave as though you already live an abundant life and abundance comes to you in varied forms. Connect with your soul. Sense a better life is already within reach. Be receptive. Act like you are wealthy. What does this feel like?

Relational-Go further than imagine a mediocre situation or accepting your relationships that evoke discomfort. Go deeper. Know everyone you encounter invites you to love yourself more. Celebrate people in your life. Notice they enrich you. If you envision more attention, affection or intimacy, set the example.

Physical-Go further than imagine what it would take you to lose 10 more pounds, or to fit into a new outfit.  Move beyond external appearances. Go inward.  Realize what you've learned about your self-image. Accept yourself more fully.  Tell yourself you have the discipine to get more active, and do it.

Spiritual- Go further than envisage a connection to Forces beyond you. Open your perception and recognize what you had thought were coincidences are really cases of meaningful synchonicity.  See how you already feel connected to things you're unable to explain. Reach out to discover what you can do to feel even more connected. Wealth has levels of invisible and immeasurable joy. 

Emotional-Go further than simply brush those negative feelings under the carpet.  Envision how you wish to feel.  Show yourself what happiness and joy feel like.  Do that. Choose to spend time on those activities that boost your energy, get your juices flowing and make your life more fulfilling. 

Intellectual- Go further than describing what you need to learn for the next test at school or business meeting, or what you might wish to know to raise your kids for another year. What kind of learning would really motivate you? Where would you like to go to learn? What materials would you need? Why does the subject drive you? Tap into reasons for enthusiasm and expand on your sense of wealth.



As you visualize the kind of existence you long for, you are intending it to happen.

As you are generous with your thoughts, gestures and all you can offer, you are sowing the seeds to experience different kinds of abundance in your life.  What does this mean exactly?

As you love unconditionally, you send your intention to receive unconditional love.

As you focus on creating wealth for others, wealth is arising for you in unforeseen ways.

As you clarify value beyond the measurable, your life feels it has immeasurable value. 

Whether or not you realize it, your thoughts and choices shape your evolving existence.

Leonardo da Vinci was able to make novel connections among dissimilar things. This clarified his notion of success. He invented and evolved as he learned. He challenged himself and grew.  What he offered the world was proportional to how much he loved and appreciated his own resourcefulness.  His legacy has immeasurable value.

When Einstein worked through a problem, he always found it necessary to rethink his subject in as many different ways as possible. He visualized solutions, and believed that words and numbers were less important than possibilities. The universe sent him back a wealth of new information. That wealth created wealth for others in different forms.

We can all learn to interpret the value of quality and quantity to our advantage.  We can discern the difference in our relationships, in reasons for giving and sacrificing.  Ask yourself what you truly wish for.  Ask the Universe for opportunities.  Ask and it is already given. You have more influence than you think!

“Life in abundance comes only through great love.” -Elbert Hubbard

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