Embody who you are

As you truly embody who you are, you allow level of Spirit to merge with the level of your Humanity. As you pass through fear, you come into the embodied experience.
Spirit sees through the illusion. It is a state of love and freedom. It knows judgments are simply a mental projection of fear. Being with Spirit is to know, feel and experience life without fear. To see through the lens of the heart is to see things as they are. This is direct experience of your own Spirit. It is about being who you are. Spirit knows no wounding or reasons to heal. All beliefs and anything outside this core state is illusion.
Allow yourself to feel what you feel without judgment. This is what it is to experience life through the heart. When you resonate with something, you consciously realize you create this reality and it flows out from you. This is feeling your Spirit. Allow yourself to be a freely feeling and expressing person and the Spirit comes alive. As you view through the lens of Spirit, you recall from whence you chose to forget who you are.
Know we each contain collective consciousness. We are each a bridge. The Earth emerges from the sum of all of us. It is always a perfect harmony through lens of love.