Let in more light

What if you actually have what you want and create obstacles for the fun of it? What if you can let go of all that no longer serves you? What if doubt, fear and negativity are released? How does the view move from positive to embrace knowing of what you are, all that is real?
You only ever release anything through direct experience of being. As you let go of what you imagine, allow focus on states that hold no doubt, no limited beliefs about your mastery. Simply be your own authority. The movie on the screen changes to the unimaginable.
Feel you are all-powerful, and forever loved. Be conscious of self- mastery. Be free to perceive everything from a wider, Spirit perspective. See the perfection everywhere. No matter what is unfolding, you know you are choosing it. Taste the full experience. Benefit from the mystery you give yourself and transform it. Spirit that sees all events unfold with perfect timing in pure perfection. This goes higher than the aeriel view. It is all-embracing.
Let in more light. Be yourself. Allow yourself to Be the ultimate Master of Consciousness