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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in seeing (27)


How does it all relate?

Different angles and vantage points give you the ability to expand perspective.  Notice how open you are to listening to diverse views. Find the right perspective and the answer arises. You begin to see what is always available to you. It is often useful to consider a situation from a broader perspective. What you see and what you are not yet seeing is closer than you think. Every question you ask is already answered.

In essence, deeper knowing exists everywhere. Everything is interconnected. Nobody can bring this to your conscious attention. Confirmation arises within when you are ready and receptive. It all part of the the big dream that speaks to you. Layers of dreaming make up your life. Every thought and feeling is as real as you decide.  Touch the face of the stars. Do what feels right.  In the wink of an eye, the opportunity is over.


What is casting the shadow?

Many people focus on the external world and overlook the nature of manifestation projects deeper shadows and internal messages. Notice whether you allow events in the external world to determine how you think and feel.  Notice whether you shift to centre attention on what is casting the shadow. What happens as you awaken to what is causing situations in your life to arise?  How are you able to expand seeing? 


The now is complete

The now is complete.  It is beyond time and space.  To exist now is to know one is always in the moment.  Consider when you skype and on-line chat with people apparently in different countries time-zones.  Consider when you listen to archived radio shows or recorded audios and videos. The interaction is always in the now.  Your physical body is a cellular memory.  It grounds itself in perceptions of events that are imagined on a timeline.  Allowing direct experience to unfold is to see being and allowing are inseparable.  Allowing energy to flow is to feel you are being and it is you.

One is unlimited now.  To fully embrace this is to allow fearful thoughts of not having, not being, to drop away. To think about anything other than now is not an issue unless you decide this is real.  Thoughts about sequential events act as points of reference during perceived moments. Yet, one is always present here and now. To merge consciously in the now is to resolve, in this moment, any thoughts that would have you believe you are less than you are. Wholeness is synonymous with now.  All is perfect. 


Allow what is to be

From the moment you allow what is to be, the mind is no longer in charge.  You choose to see fear as it is and not permit it to control you.  Unconditional love flows freely through all of you and you sense it in everything. You shift from a focus on seeking and believing to experience being and knowing.  The truth reveals itself through you.


Choose not to doubt

Step back from your current focus and perceived conditions. Know where you are and how you feel is a choice. Many ways exist to see and experience energy or unfolding events. Notice your focus grounded in fear and vulnerability or love and acceptance. Everything points to a higher purpose. Feel blessings and revelations unfold. Imagine a world where fear does not exist and simply abide there.

"Love and doubt have never been on speaking terms." - Kahlil Gibran