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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in seeing (27)


Its all pointing here

Imagine a life where you do not have to do anything about anything.  Imagine a  life where nothing is wrong, where every choice you make at a given moment is the right one.  Give up all your emotion and effort to get somewhere. Let go of restlessness.  It may seem too simple to be true. Recognize you are the seer and experiencer, the observer and participant in this life.

What if you do not have to do, be or become anything? From this moment, notice what the mind would have you believe.  Then step back and accept every view is a reflection of the timeless recognizing itself.  Reconnect with the dimensions and perspectives you temporarily cut off.  

As the mind carries no intention, ambition or neediness, it is spontaneously one. It does not view itself as a separate part of anything.   Recognize the attitudes you hold toward 'the other.' All you think is a self-fulfilling projection.  As you drop the resistance and false ideas you adopt as a child, you slowly let go of all fixations and identities connected with the body.  What's left?

Be  true nature, the state of pure awareness.  See things with less distortion.  Allow peace to fill you. To see everything as equal is to love and appreciate yourself unconditionally.  When you are truly free, you expect nothing and simply flow freely with the stream of life. He who is truly rich wants nothing.  He who has desires is simply playing the role of creator for a while.

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages." - William Shakespeare


It is all you

Brace yourself.  How you view life is like a gauge for your expectations.  It all comes back to conditioning, that is, what you assume you can do (or not).  If you believe all is imposed by your entourage and role models, you temporarily forget that ever-present inner companion called the ego.  Imagine what happens as limitations dissolve and doubt falls away.

Watch what happens as you realize that your perceptions shape your expectations.  Watch how you feel about and experience abundance as you alter how you view the world.  Notice how shifting from mental images of scarcity to prosperity is merely a thought away.  Feel directly how changing your thoughts raises esteem, self-worth and all you allow self to see.

"When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." -Lao Tzu


Expand your vision

In life, how often do you allow yourself to experience frustration, impatience, or other apparent roadblocks when you are looking? To visualize something in the mind is to allow it to take form and shape in ways the mind can pin down or understand. You may not realize that you are conditioned to view the world and what is unfolding not as it really is but through your own filters of thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Consider this perspective:


A curious monk asks a MASTER, "What is the Way [to see]?"

"It is right before your eyes," said the master.

"Why do I not see it?"

"Because you are thinking of yourself."

"What about you: do you see it?"

"So long as you see double, saying I don't and you do, and so on,
your eyes are clouded," said the master.

"When there is neither 'I' nor 'You,' can one see it?"

"When there is neither 'I' nor 'You,' who is the one that wants to see it?"


"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
-Marcel Proust


Why here, why now?

The mind echoes you are here for clarity, direction, guidance for transitions.  Perhaps you are awakening to tendencies, habits, discomfort and fear about conditions or, you would like assistance to be aware of root causes.  As distracting emotions arise, you may feel they hold you hostage or, prevent something from shifting and noticing another version of life or the truth.  Whatever change you contemplate, you can come to appreciate blessings and opportunities.

Beyond emotional and mental seeing, you access other ways of seeing.  The universe unfolds as it does regardless of how you think and feel.  Without interpretation, awareness and peace are present.  Yet, the mind would have you believe in a series of tests, struggle and pain.  As you step back, what reveals itself about your attachments, dreams, and programming. Which revelations arise?

"All you have to do is know where you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord." -Earl Nightengale
"It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.” -Ram Dass

Notice what you overlook

Every moment, your conscious attention and selective awareness leave things out. You focus on limited dimensions of experience. The mind has you believe in a limited nature of reality. Events that shape your life are simply levels of magnification absorbed through physical senses. This ignores infinite levels of interconnected sound, vibration and frequency that are ever-present. Mind only detects what it is ready and willing to accept. What you do not see or hear, i.e., the silence, is as meaningful as what you do

Notice what you choose to overlook.  Notice the thoughts and beliefs that selectively block degrees of seeing.  Underneath the layers of reality you choose to experience, exist infinite layers of awareness and points of view.  Notice what you lose sight of and who is forever present, noticing what is apparently left out but always here.  Be that.

"It's a matter of seeing the original meaning of all things. The world is full of all kinds of meanings. But our minds are so fettered by the lies and falsehoods they make for themselves, that they cannot see the beauty, goodness, or truth of those meanings. Only a mind that has become free can see such things..."
- Yi Mun Yol