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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in seeing (27)


Take a second glimpse

Notice what happens as you feel that taking a second glimpse changes everything.  In essence, you see nothing as it is.  Every instance you notice someone judging or hear it inside the mind, you forget who you are. Every instance you allow your focus to be on the past, you allow what does not exist to fool you.  This is not about psychological time so much as being aware you choose to see or obscure the view.

As goes with anything, you are invited to taste it again with al lthe senses, as if for the first time.  For you see, there is only ever this moment.  There is only ever one time that unfolds over and over however you choose to perceive it.  Do not allow yourself to be baffled or worried about something that is not there.  You are only ever bothered by nothing.  Know you can always choose again so that you may see things as they are.

"Words are creation of self and every time you open your mouth, you give the world a glimpse into who you really are." -Ashley Highland


Blindness can awaken you

Dream Analysis of the week:

An eye surgeon is preparing for surgery with a male and female assistant.  Each wears green operating room scrubs and sunglasses.  Very bright light enters the room through a round hole in the ceiling.  The surgeon is telling his assistants that his practice is built on making people physically blind so they allow themselves to see. I am waiting outside a dark -looking cave.

This dream highlights selective blindness, a willingness to expand perception and raise awareness. Consider that the surgeon, assistants, patient and every dream symbol that stands out offers you a meaningful message.  Notice how you feel about them.

Blindness often symbolises a refusal to be aware of the truth or denial of the underlying reason for a perceived problem.  Yet here, the patient is symbolically ready to go blind as a means to let go of conditioned beliefs, attachments and mental filters that prevent him from seeing things as they are. The hole in the ceiling may represent the opening of the third eye and the allowing of inner light and wisdom to flow more freely. The roundness of this hole draws attention to a sense of completeness, wholeness, perfection and the circle of life. Note whether you feel heavy or lightheaded.  Notice also how open you are to internalizing judgments.  Effective healing unfolds within. 

The cave suggests a willingness to explore the unconscious mind and your emotions. Undergoing surgery points to increasing self-awareness or openness to whatever the heart and soul are to reveal. You only see what the mind is willing to accept.

This dream also draws attention to the innersight available to you now. You require no external sight to feel the truth. Release resistance and 'remove the shades' to see the perfect being you are.  Know nothing exists to work toward, and no procedure must be endured. True self is already present, whether you agree or not. Complete self-acceptance is your perfect state. This dream invites you to live that. Recognize what you hesitate to love and accept. Let go of fear. 'Being patience' is unnecessary.

Another point worth noting is many things exist in your midst that you do not yet choose to be conscious of. Selective remembering and forgetting are underlying themes.  What resonates with the heart, with your energetic pattern and life journey?  You are invited to awaken and reconnect with all of you in body-mind, soul spirit and harmonious multi-dimensional being.   Be aware of frequency, duality and shifts.

"The world is no a problem; the problem is your unawareness." - Osho


Connect the dots

What does it feel like to travel to a place you say you have always wanted to visit and sense deep down that you have been there before?  Call it deja-vu. Call it a link to dreams you would like to better understand. Call it what you will. Every moment you are connecting the dots of what you see with those things you do not yet see.  Infinite perspectives exist.  Your focus of attention determines your priorities.  What you do not choose to see is still present.

From one perspective, you are coming full circle.  You are invited to meet the maker within, the maker of the journey and leaver of clues about truth of who you are.  It grows apparent that like the proverbial tortise, you never leave home, but always take this feeling with you.  Notice the feelings bubbling up from the depths of the soul.  The mind prompts you to travel far and wide in search of what you already have right here.  You seek to find all you want 'out there' and your purpose for being provides it already.  Reflect on what you think you want.  Then, feel the vibrations of heart for soulful insight.  It all leads you full circle.

"Everything's intentional. It's just filling in the dots." -  David Byrne


Untrain the mind

Everything you think and feel is a clue to the cause and effect of what you perceive in the world.  Each thought invites a comparison and then, judgment arises.   According to the conditioned mind, no neutral thoughts exist.  Notice how focusing on thoughts creates beliefs and habits.  Even before something happens, you assume history is to repeat or the future is worriesome. You dwell on fear unless you untrain the mind. 

Consider how you train the mind.  If, at some stage, you injure yourself while doing something you enjoy, physical pain may trigger that memory and fear may now hold you back.  If you applied for a job in an area of interest and were unsuccessful, you may be discouraged from applying for a similar role, fearing failure or rejection.  If, you have broken or difficult relationships, you may fear getting involved with someone new. If you regret something you said and dwell on negativity or are angry about something someone else has said, harbour grudges, this prevents you from moving on.  You see the world you have made but do not always register you are the source of all you see.

Recognize no thought is neutral.  The world does not think a certain way. It simply reflects back what you are thinking though your experience. Perception is not the cause of reality but the lens through which you selectively filter and choose to see reality.  You raise awareness by noticing your life unfolds based on choices to love or fear.  Notice your focus is not so much on what you see as how you see it. 

"Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them." 
-Rabindranath Tagore


Notice what you are not seeing

Regardless of what you are seeing or feeling at this moment, every experience invites you to clarify things for yourself.  Whatever dawns in the mind is there already.  There is no one path to follow. You matter as you are where you are.  Any tension you feel is telling you that you separate yourself from full awareness of ability and potential. 

Notice what you describe and the feelings evoked by each word you choose.  Giving words to experience can be an unconscious effort to control, understand or pin it down.  What's it like to contrast your experience with those of others?  Notice what happens as you allow Self to experience without describing or comparing.   Awareness arises. Notice that your focus of attention can shift to see what you are not yet seeing.  Every book you invite into your life has perfect timing.  Everything reminds you that you are a divine messenger with access to soul and inner knowing about who you are.

"You travel but in dreams, while safe at home." -A Course in Miracles (ACIM)