Notice what you are not seeing

Regardless of what you are seeing or feeling at this moment, every experience invites you to clarify things for yourself. Whatever dawns in the mind is there already. There is no one path to follow. You matter as you are where you are. Any tension you feel is telling you that you separate yourself from full awareness of ability and potential.
Notice what you describe and the feelings evoked by each word you choose. Giving words to experience can be an unconscious effort to control, understand or pin it down. What's it like to contrast your experience with those of others? Notice what happens as you allow Self to experience without describing or comparing. Awareness arises. Notice that your focus of attention can shift to see what you are not yet seeing. Every book you invite into your life has perfect timing. Everything reminds you that you are a divine messenger with access to soul and inner knowing about who you are.
"You travel but in dreams, while safe at home." -A Course in Miracles (ACIM)