Blindness can awaken you

Dream Analysis of the week:
An eye surgeon is preparing for surgery with a male and female assistant. Each wears green operating room scrubs and sunglasses. Very bright light enters the room through a round hole in the ceiling. The surgeon is telling his assistants that his practice is built on making people physically blind so they allow themselves to see. I am waiting outside a dark -looking cave.
This dream highlights selective blindness, a willingness to expand perception and raise awareness. Consider that the surgeon, assistants, patient and every dream symbol that stands out offers you a meaningful message. Notice how you feel about them.
Blindness often symbolises a refusal to be aware of the truth or denial of the underlying reason for a perceived problem. Yet here, the patient is symbolically ready to go blind as a means to let go of conditioned beliefs, attachments and mental filters that prevent him from seeing things as they are. The hole in the ceiling may represent the opening of the third eye and the allowing of inner light and wisdom to flow more freely. The roundness of this hole draws attention to a sense of completeness, wholeness, perfection and the circle of life. Note whether you feel heavy or lightheaded. Notice also how open you are to internalizing judgments. Effective healing unfolds within.
The cave suggests a willingness to explore the unconscious mind and your emotions. Undergoing surgery points to increasing self-awareness or openness to whatever the heart and soul are to reveal. You only see what the mind is willing to accept.
This dream also draws attention to the innersight available to you now. You require no external sight to feel the truth. Release resistance and 'remove the shades' to see the perfect being you are. Know nothing exists to work toward, and no procedure must be endured. True self is already present, whether you agree or not. Complete self-acceptance is your perfect state. This dream invites you to live that. Recognize what you hesitate to love and accept. Let go of fear. 'Being patience' is unnecessary.
Another point worth noting is many things exist in your midst that you do not yet choose to be conscious of. Selective remembering and forgetting are underlying themes. What resonates with the heart, with your energetic pattern and life journey? You are invited to awaken and reconnect with all of you in body-mind, soul spirit and harmonious multi-dimensional being. Be aware of frequency, duality and shifts.
"The world is no a problem; the problem is your unawareness." - Osho