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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Connect the dots

What does it feel like to travel to a place you say you have always wanted to visit and sense deep down that you have been there before?  Call it deja-vu. Call it a link to dreams you would like to better understand. Call it what you will. Every moment you are connecting the dots of what you see with those things you do not yet see.  Infinite perspectives exist.  Your focus of attention determines your priorities.  What you do not choose to see is still present.

From one perspective, you are coming full circle.  You are invited to meet the maker within, the maker of the journey and leaver of clues about truth of who you are.  It grows apparent that like the proverbial tortise, you never leave home, but always take this feeling with you.  Notice the feelings bubbling up from the depths of the soul.  The mind prompts you to travel far and wide in search of what you already have right here.  You seek to find all you want 'out there' and your purpose for being provides it already.  Reflect on what you think you want.  Then, feel the vibrations of heart for soulful insight.  It all leads you full circle.

"Everything's intentional. It's just filling in the dots." -  David Byrne

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Reader Comments (6)

I am sensing deja vu as coming into resonance with fulfilling an intention. One is then in phase with an inner request that one has been attracting into their lives. So something isn't necessarily being seen as familiar. It is being felt as the same resonance that one holds within. The inner frequency then matches the outer counterparts frequency. One is exactly then where they have requested to be. They are in the Now. No searching or roaming is required. Therefore, deja vu can also be ongoing, in that, one's intention can be to live in the now, or to stay centered in the vortex, where one meets the maker of dreams that come true.
July 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter~ bern ~
Been there, done that is a phrase that comes to mind.

I find myself in a familiar place often. It's almost like I mapped out my destination ahead of time in my psyche. Around this corner is a statue or let's try this way for the roses; my way has been pre-paved. At first, wide- eyed shock but now I trust the loving vibe of it all. I go with the flow with ease.
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterO:>) Renee
Bern, deja-vu is a concept that takes on whatever meaning you give it. Everything you experience is part of your version of the truth. Anything with a timeless feel speaks a universal language only the attentive hear.
July 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Renee, silent power of intuition speaks when allowed to be the inner compass.
July 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. I always thought there was a reason for the longevity of my mother's illness ... time for me to sort myself out in more ways than one .. and that is what is happening .. life has a funny way of dealing its cards .. interesting though .. and I wouldn't be here now - but for her illness. thanks - Hilary
July 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, every perception is in some sense a deception until you grow aware of the message of love being conveyed. To awaken to the silver lining in what initially seems on the surface to be a painful situation is a priceless revelation. Know that you are always given what the soul requests. This is not the same as what the ego mind tells you it wants or does not. Love and inner peace never leave you.
July 18, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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