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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in reality (83)


Labour peacefully

People ask how to know and practice wisdom.  Explore this in terms of everyday experience and also from the true perspective which reflects the ultimate nature of reality. To be content with one's conventional physical sensory reality is to confine one's experience within it. Why not move beyond it?

Consider whether you 'labour peacefully.' Note the conditions.  Does this strike you as an oxymoron or do you touch on the reality of emptiness beyond scope of intellect? Reflect on how it feels to peel away labels, and expectations for discomfort.  Relate to things instead in the absence of any kind of identity. 

Notice judgment is used to describe things in human terms. Negating beliefs allows one to align with deeper understanding. Observe discrepancies in perception and get to the root of selective ignorance.


Celebrate your rough edges

Ever notice perceptions of 'rough edges' or imperfections work themselves out through your experience? As you nurture patience and observe things in their basic simplicity, clarity arises.  What you outgrow or unlearn dissolves beliefs.  You move from self-doubt into realms of certainty, where you allow things to be as they are and accept self unconditionally.  You access silent inner knowing, feelings of joy and bliss.  

Notice that as awareness expands within, you begin to understand how and why you lose touch with inner knowing.  You recall you control internal shifts based on action, ripening insight, sensing living energy and grasping messages sent from within.  From the inside-out, you hold power to Transform Your Life.


Re-align where you are

Some people believe themselves to experience one struggle after another in their search for happiness.  Notice that true happiness is not found in things that change, dissolve or, fade away. Pleasure and pain are polarities that balance out.  Realize contentment only comes from the self.  Rediscover who you are.  What matters emerges to tell you it never leaves you.  Transform your life through perception.


Take everything in stride

Every experience enables you to touch on reality and refresh a sense of well-being.  Of course, you can also choose to continue forgetting what you choose not to remember.  As you recall the real you is beyond the body, you begin to recognize everything is changing states.

Now, some people view dreams as echoes of waking states.  Other people do not grasp a difference. As you sense everything reflects degrees of your imagination, whatever you choose to see and experience, you do. You are there in happy mind.  Its Cosmic Synchronicity.


Unlock the ordinary mind

The ordinary mind is where you store the secrets that explain your habits, karma and evolving purpose.  It is something that exists between you and the unlimited love and consciousness you are.  Mind is a barrier you create to work through for your own benefit.

As you slowly dissolve the layers of barriers that you are convinced at this moment are part of you, nothing remains between you and your state of omnipotence.  Consider what ingrained beliefs tell you, and what you are choosing to feel now. Every revelation matters.

The ordinary mind gathers and stores illusions that exist to convince you that you are less than you are.  Every stage of your awakening makes ego less convincing.  As your habits dissolve, there is less difference between meditation and perception of reality. 

In essence, your absolute nature is gradually all you know. Delusions about what you lack and what people tell you is wrong with you, fall away. The ideal you is no longer a dream you work toward creating.  You break through the barriers of ordinary mind to unleash enlightnment, You accept your limitless perfection, consciously align with who you are by attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.