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Insight of the Moment

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Unlock the ordinary mind

The ordinary mind is where you store the secrets that explain your habits, karma and evolving purpose.  It is something that exists between you and the unlimited love and consciousness you are.  Mind is a barrier you create to work through for your own benefit.

As you slowly dissolve the layers of barriers that you are convinced at this moment are part of you, nothing remains between you and your state of omnipotence.  Consider what ingrained beliefs tell you, and what you are choosing to feel now. Every revelation matters.

The ordinary mind gathers and stores illusions that exist to convince you that you are less than you are.  Every stage of your awakening makes ego less convincing.  As your habits dissolve, there is less difference between meditation and perception of reality. 

In essence, your absolute nature is gradually all you know. Delusions about what you lack and what people tell you is wrong with you, fall away. The ideal you is no longer a dream you work toward creating.  You break through the barriers of ordinary mind to unleash enlightnment, You accept your limitless perfection, consciously align with who you are by attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.

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Reader Comments (3)

As the veils of illusion lift, the world/God's grace becomes ever more obvious to any who make the ongoing choices to be open and see and learn.
March 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAurora
I liked this post very much. I believe we do have to break down the illusions about who we are. It reminds me of a book I once read and cannot think of the title in which the main character see himself as a mirror, which is then broken into pieces. He picks up the pieces and puts them in his pocket. I see this mirror as being like the "ordinary mind" you describe in this post. We have to break it down, in order to reconstruct who we are.

Thanks. I enjoyed this post:~)
March 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSara
Hi Liara .. just at this moment the idea of separating my ordinary mind with its quagmire, and melding through it, over it, round it .. so that the barriers dissolve and I get back to my omnipotence. Life is not easy .. but I’m so pleased I’m here and around to learn and appreciate things I don’t fully understand. I will break the barriers of ordinary mind – some angst and hassles in there that have to be dealt with, there is no way round those - so that I can work towards mental freedom and enlightenment .. testing times right now.
March 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary

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