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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Recreate a new living vitality

Love and light adjust the energetic structure of what you do not see.  This process is open-ended.  Your clear intent and investment of thought energy are creating effects for your multi-dimensional self.  This shapes a larger picture.

Geometry manifests into physical form and transmits knowledge among dimensions.  Creatures exist in many dimensions simultaneoulsy.  Perceptions expand as part of highly-evolved consciousness.  You sense what life and death are and how everything is interconnected to the same energy Source.  This invites further exploration.

Those things that do not work are falling apart.  Earth needs you like the billions of microorganisms that live inside you in symbiosis.  Imagine balance being re-established.  Remember how it feels to be fully energized right now.  

In order to awaken to a new life perspective, you would be willing to reflect, make conscious changes in your choices and in turn, energetic imprints. This co-creation of vitality is a process of Cosmic Synchronicity. It may require a period of perceived time to integrate the inner knowing that is unfolding. Enter the space of wisdom.

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Reader Comments (6)

The earth, a cell, has been infected by the past collective abuse of humanity, but White blood cells from other areas of the greater body have been reproducing and have been scattered to the infection sites to dissolve the disease. The earth is feeling loved once again. Pent up energy from repression is being released, allowing for energy to be circulated properly, giving humanity the strength to face their feelings and process their personal experiences. Once the emotions are exhausted, new vitality will be channeled giving people the energy it takes to manifest their personal dreams. When we love and allow that which we observe to be, it transforms the structure of all being.....raising the health and benefits to all those who participate in the new system.
I followed your link through the comment you left on my blog. Thank you for leaving the trail to your site. I will be visiting often. A nice place to be...

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNevine
Bern, when humans are conditioned to condense experience into physical boundaries, they discover they are able to explain less and less of tangible, feeling experience. As you intimately read into the vibrations, you sense the force of intelligence and energy force under which and through which you ultimately evolve. How this appears to you is less relevant than how it inspires and nurtures your cosmic creations.
January 21, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Nevine, humans are awakening to the power of sound as the governor of existence. We are each instruments of consciousness. People temporarily forget all they are until something shakes them out of deep slumber. A movement from fear and chaos has the potential to shift to a major transformation in consciousness. You can choose to gain expanded points of view, open the heart centre, and feel a true unity of purpose.
January 21, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. I must put down the clear investment into thought energy to reap the rewards .. I have been slow with the 'burden' of clutter and necessities that I really don't want to do. It will be good to be upon the earth balanced above it, riding my energetic new life, preparing the way to leave imprints of spiritual awareness as I go.

Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational stories
January 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, as you choose to find something meaningful, an advantage in everything you are doing, you have potential to reframe your conditions and find things to like about them. You benefit from everything. Imagine that everything you do is preapring you for something unforeseen. You are where you are for good reason. Appreciate that. Your spiritual awareness is always expanding along with your sense of limitless self.
January 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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