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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in perception (195)


Everything is working out

Everything is working out  as you knew it would.  Understand the process.  Know that thought is power.  You invite what you dream into your life.  You ask and receive what you are asking for from the moment your attitude and words align with your vision. Feel how it is to experience fulfillment and well-being.  Receive with open arms.  Feel the magnetic nature of it.  Whatever it is, its here.  View yourself being it and so it is!

As you create a vision, talk and write about it, this nurtures the will to make it real.  The universe guides you and shows you a way. Feel receptive.  Notice what unfolds as you are flexible and open-minded.    Open the heart. The focus of your energy is like magic.

How you think and feel always has an unseen vibration.  No reality is responsible for your vibration.  How you think and feel reflects your perception of reality. Change how you perceive.  Alter your experience of reality.  Simple. Deliberate creation is about staying in that good feeling place.  Visualize the best outcome.

"The Creative knows the great beginnings. The Receptive completes the finished things." -I Ching


Everything is flowing smoothly

Imagine how it feels to know everything is always flowing smoothly.  Move your perception of reality.  Focus where you would like to be and feel as though you are here. All good feelings are linked to a sense of freedom. All negative feelings are linked to imagining a lack of freedom. Know accidents and mistakes are figments of the imagination. Only perfect timing exists. Everything that grabs you attention is for your own good. Love, generosity and acceptance flow unless you allow mind or thought to get in the way. Be the genie in charge of your own magic lamp. Grant your wishes.

As you step back, watch thoughts crossing the path of your mind. Ignore echoes that say anything is wrong , that say life, a project or dream is difficult, that would have you believe in physical, financial, psychological or other limitations. Nothing exists unless you believe it. So, whether you believe you can or can't, you prove yourself right. Why not set your sights on what matters and make it happen?

Look deep into the heart. Perception is not fixed. Notice what is real. Show and be pure compassion and this is all the universe reflects back through the eyes and behaviour of perceived others. Imagine how you can help people solve their problems, do that, and know you are also helping yourself.

"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." -Chinese Proverb


It is all you

Brace yourself.  How you view life is like a gauge for your expectations.  It all comes back to conditioning, that is, what you assume you can do (or not).  If you believe all is imposed by your entourage and role models, you temporarily forget that ever-present inner companion called the ego.  Imagine what happens as limitations dissolve and doubt falls away.

Watch what happens as you realize that your perceptions shape your expectations.  Watch how you feel about and experience abundance as you alter how you view the world.  Notice how shifting from mental images of scarcity to prosperity is merely a thought away.  Feel directly how changing your thoughts raises esteem, self-worth and all you allow self to see.

"When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." -Lao Tzu


Be real

From the moment you are real with yourself, you can be real with others. Even now, you have the means to see things as they are.  You already sense what is real.  The most important thing is to challenge your own mind.  When did you last question your beliefs, emotions or sense of reality?  Be brave.  When you are in denial of reality, life is painful.  Fear and discomfort arise from ill-will. Shift focus. See things as they are.

Notice our desires bend the mind.  You cannot trust your perceptions, expectations or your thoughts.  When you remove attachment and ill will, then all is only ever going well. Challenge your assumptions.  Watch what happens as you stop what you are doing, or do things more slowly.  You see deeper meaning, notice what you skip over when you go fast. You suddenly have time to linger, to know things more intimately.

To find the truth, you must move beyond fear and wishful thinking.  There is nothing wrong with natural course of things, of the evolution of life and death.  Accept that.  It is not the length of life that matters but the quality of it.  This is where you get real. Be still.  The truth erases suffering. Problems do not exist when you love unconditionally. 

"From a certain point of view our real enemy, the true troublemaker, is inside yourself." - Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)


Breathe easy

Notice how it feels to breathe deeply. What are you doing when feeling calm or exhilarated? What could you be doing differently? What would you like to change here or leave as is?

Regardless of what you are doing or not doing, the heart must pause to breathe.  In the gaps between the thoughts,  the light of the sun flows forever through you. Allow the winds of life to inspire, energize and pass through you.  Breathe easy knowing you can release yourself from any perception.  Stand tall.  Everything that matters creeps in.  All else is already gone.

"...see without looking...hear without listening...breathe without asking..." - W.H. Auden