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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Rethink your assumptions

You invite each person into your life for different reasons. Part of your job is to figure out less obvious reasons.  When things aren't going the way you assume they should at work or in romance, its tempting to assume people influencing your mood shouldn't be in your life.  But wait! Think again. What could you be missing?

1) Reflect on why that certain someone annoys you.  This may be a person who has a crush on you or who follows you around having chosen you as office mentor.  It could also be for other reasons. Admit the real reason you're annoyed. Its not likely the person at all.  It could be what he/she represents or reminds you about. Whenever your attention is drawn to something, this is a good thing. Figure it out.

2) Rethink that romantic scenario that didn't work out.  Part of you may resist because you believe this would be a waste of time.  Yet, when a romance doesn't pan out, its because deep down, you didn't believe this person was right for you.  Being moody, indecisive, feeling weird or sensing things are going nowhere is all good.  Things have indeed gone as you hoped inside. What did you learn about you?

3) Review the true sources of your frustration.  Okay.  You may not be on the most preferred list of specialists in your field.  You may not be the first person asked out on friday night or have the most friends. Yet, if you're frustrated about your relationships, the best place to look for answers is inside. Are you compatible with your choices? Do you love and accept yourself? Would you prefer other company? Only you can choose to change your environments or entourage.

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