Everything is flowing smoothly

Imagine how it feels to know everything is always flowing smoothly. Move your perception of reality. Focus where you would like to be and feel as though you are here. All good feelings are linked to a sense of freedom. All negative feelings are linked to imagining a lack of freedom. Know accidents and mistakes are figments of the imagination. Only perfect timing exists. Everything that grabs you attention is for your own good. Love, generosity and acceptance flow unless you allow mind or thought to get in the way. Be the genie in charge of your own magic lamp. Grant your wishes.
As you step back, watch thoughts crossing the path of your mind. Ignore echoes that say anything is wrong , that say life, a project or dream is difficult, that would have you believe in physical, financial, psychological or other limitations. Nothing exists unless you believe it. So, whether you believe you can or can't, you prove yourself right. Why not set your sights on what matters and make it happen?
Look deep into the heart. Perception is not fixed. Notice what is real. Show and be pure compassion and this is all the universe reflects back through the eyes and behaviour of perceived others. Imagine how you can help people solve their problems, do that, and know you are also helping yourself.
"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." -Chinese Proverb