Be real

From the moment you are real with yourself, you can be real with others. Even now, you have the means to see things as they are. You already sense what is real. The most important thing is to challenge your own mind. When did you last question your beliefs, emotions or sense of reality? Be brave. When you are in denial of reality, life is painful. Fear and discomfort arise from ill-will. Shift focus. See things as they are.
Notice our desires bend the mind. You cannot trust your perceptions, expectations or your thoughts. When you remove attachment and ill will, then all is only ever going well. Challenge your assumptions. Watch what happens as you stop what you are doing, or do things more slowly. You see deeper meaning, notice what you skip over when you go fast. You suddenly have time to linger, to know things more intimately.
To find the truth, you must move beyond fear and wishful thinking. There is nothing wrong with natural course of things, of the evolution of life and death. Accept that. It is not the length of life that matters but the quality of it. This is where you get real. Be still. The truth erases suffering. Problems do not exist when you love unconditionally.
"From a certain point of view our real enemy, the true troublemaker, is inside yourself." - Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)