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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in perception (195)


Listen to the heart

Every moment of every day, many choices present to you. Notice which ones capture your attention and which ones you ignore. You encounter different teachers at different life stages too. Whenever you are ready a new one appears. 

Family and friends offer their perspective on your life based on how they see you. An intuitive coach acts as a more objective soundboard to allow you to recognize more clearly how you see yourself and helps you rediscover the real you.  Imagine an insightful observer using a toolkit of skills and experiences to assist you on your path. Does it resonate?

To listen to the heart is to make choices based on love that allow you to grow, to gain new insight into your life, to tune into what feels right, empowers you to see the world anew.

To live based on the logic of the mind is to second guess or doubt yourself, to act based on emotion or judgement, to procrastinate or belittle what your heart feels is important.

Every moment, you can choose to take steps to expand consciousness.  Simply be willing to review the nature of your perception and perceived life conditions.  Find the courage to review why you think, feel and believe all you do.  When you are ready to experience life on a whole new level, contact us. Collaboration, commitment and curiosity to propel growth.


Consider a shift in perspective

Many people come to believe they are being dressed in this world by this world.  That is, they are in situations they are because of conditions beyond their control.  What if you take greater responsibility here? Consider a shift in perspective:

1) Your perception creates your sense of the world.  Change your perception and change what you see and experience.

2) What you interpret as the external reflects back how you feel inside about you. Listen to the heart not conditioned senses.

3) Recognize beliefs are changeable.  What you tell yourself is or is not possible is all in your mind.  Embark on self-discovery.  


What is already transforming?

Notice what is changing in your life. How you respond to change shapes degrees of expansion.  Aspects of you are already transforming from an invisible cellular level to visible conditions like relationships, where you live, what you perceive and the nature of your surroundings. Notice the changeless remains the same. The degree to which you are open to the unfolding determines what you allow into experience.  Be observant. Marvel at the miracle that is essence of being.


5 Ways to know change is in the air

Many people get wrapped up in the prospect of change.  How can you know change is in the air? 

1) Read your vibes. If you detect a sense of discomfort or restlessness, this is your physical body letting you know it is the right moment to make a change or let change happen.   

2) Watch your thoughts. As you notice desire arising, and find you are focusing attention on particular visions or ideas, this is a stepping stone to feeling the urge to do something differently.

3) Feel the waters. Feel life as a stream. You are either in the flow or going against the current. Change here is perpetual. The moving stream cannot be held onto.  To the degree you resist the stream, you feel the current is moving. Every emotion you feel points to the state of the flow.

4) Understand the system of waves. For every change, there is the unchangingYou are just as much light and darkness.  No waves have only crests or only troughs.  Cycles exist based on perception of space and time.  Space is inseparable from objects that occupy space.  The seen is inseparable from the unseen. Cannot have the ups or highs without the downs or lows of life.

5) See the underlying motive- the impetus for change is often the desire for a greater degree of permanence. As you come to see the true reasons for your choices, you can more clearly identify what you really want.  Decipher illusions you create for yourself.  The Path finds you.


All is possible

How you perceive reality affects your view of what is possible. The funny thing is, your perception of what is possible also shapes what you allow yourself to see and experience. In other words, you see the external world through the lens of your vibration. As you focus on what feels good, you vibrate on a high level, and opportunities are visible and accessible.

Know what you want is done on a vibrational level. The physical senses do not initially detect it but as joy fills you, you can feel something deeper. What is active in your vibration is what you are about right now. As you grow more conscious and deliberate with your thoughts and feelings, you know abundance, clarity, vitality, wellness are all accessible.

Watch what happens as you talk about what is done in the present tense. Recall who you are and how things are going right here and now. You cannot see things other than how you perceive them to be. See things as flowing smoothly and they are.  The universe only ever responds to your perception of the reality you are living. Talk about and feel love in all that is evolving. You have creative control over what unfolds.  Only your impatience keeps you apart from what is already here.  Get out of your own way and see the difference.

As you nurture a desire to do, be or have something, if no contradiction exists in your vibration, then that something is real for you. Many things that were once believed to be impossible are now widely viewed as real due to collective agreement and perception. Everything in your scope of awareness is about what you attract into your life via vibration. Relax into your eternal nature.  Whatever you give attention to dominates your vision.  Ponder an environment where endless paths exist to whatever you tell yourself you want.  Know you are already here.  Where is your belief or expectation relative to what you want?

Ultimately, you cannot become less than you are. When you feel discomfort or contrast, you can always shift your focus of attention and ease yourself into a place of greater comfort. Words do not teach. Life experience is the true teacher. Look for reason to feel good.  Flourish.