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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in patience (12)


Monk wisdom is here

One day, a loyal young monk witnessed conversation between a very rich businessman and his master. Seeing how disrespectful the business man was, the monk was angry. But his master kept smiling.

When the conversation was over, the monk asked the master,

“Master, how can you let him treat you like that? He thinks he is much higher than you, he’s so full of pride, and greed. How can you be so patient? I cannot help but to resent him!”

In response, the master patted him on the shoulder.

“Look deeper, and see; behind every pride is the fear of not being acknowledged by others; behind every greed is the fear of lack or losing something. Seeing that fearful man, I cannot help but to feel compassion toward him; and wish he is freed from such sufferings.”

Hearing this, the monk was silent.


Expand your options

What if you do nothing, allow things to settle, and then reflect on how to respond where you are? Consider the power of mind creates worlds you exist in for extended periods.  How does the mind shape choices?

From the moment you recognize the continuum of the mind has no beginning or end, you grow aware the sphere of consciousness and options available to you also have no limits.  Problems are only heavy when you hold onto them.  Any place you dislike or discomfort you feel, emprisons you.  Notice that letting go of what you carry in mind opens infinite possibilities. The soul is an open door. Walk through when you like.  Imagine feeling free and it is so. Why not expand options by giving freely and dropping expectations?  Wisdom enables you to be at peace with life, in every circumstance.  Reconnect with all that is now.


Remember what you are

To know what they are, many people go through a process to realize what they are not.  When you take something from the universe, from other people, what re-establishes balance is an exchange of energy in the form of some return gesture.  When you learn from someone, how do you give back to that person or the universe? If you do not share part of yourself or somthing, what prevents you?

Discover all that you are not.  Awaken from unconsciousness. Take revelations to heart.  Feel the truth. Transform your life.


Stop staring at the tea kettle

On many occasions, people look at their watches and find other ways to make it seem as though what they want to happen is taking longer thanthey think itshould. Everyone is very familiar with signs of impatience.  Each one is a reminder from Higher Forces you are not as patient as you could be.

A classic example is what many people do while waiting for the tea kettle to boil. Staring at it does not hasten the passage of time. In fact, watching it intently seems to make time move slower. You may have thought it takes forever to do some things. Exceptions include whenyou are sitting in traffic and believe you must be somewhere, or the time is running out during a test and you are not finished. What is it with that?

Fear is the common denominator for perceived trouble.  Worry seems to push time to move faster. Anxiety almost seems to invite time to run away from you. Imagination is overworked. Yet, if you focus on loving who and where you are, this helps you realize you do what you do at precisely the right time.

The fundamental question is, can you control time? If you choose to reclaim your authentic power, then you realize you have choices in the matter. Consider these five points;

1)You decide whether time exists and how you permit it to guide, control or dominate you.

2)You accept ego beliefs and values unless you learn mental discipline, choose to reject and transcend them.

2) You control how you respond or not to all perceived conditions and selectively decide what does not matter.

3) Your thoughts and feelings create energy vibration. This affects events whether you take responsibility for self or not.

4) If you dwell on what has not worked, hindsight does not serve you. Turning inward empowers you to focus on who you think you were or revelations about who you truly are.

5) You have the power to view time as what you want or not. Shift focus and reframe conditions as blessings in disguise.


How does soul progress?

Every human being is at a particular stage of awareness and soul-level maturity. This is not a hierarchy in physical terms.  Rather, it is a series of phases of experience open to energy beings that choose to move through a range of choices.

As you begin to dissolve judgments, you slowly realize all experience has imperceptible, intrinsic value in the bigger picture.  You notice stages and actualize a journey.  This is not at all a linear evolution.  Human minds do not conceive of the nature of constant changes. How does one's soul progress?; 

1) Fear and the victim mentality teach defeat and blame.

2) Anxiety and distress highlight impatience and despair.

3) Thoughts arise in all shapes and sizes to trigger clarity.

4) Frustration and anger suddenly offer broader perspective.

5) Revelations unfold in expanding senses and faculties.

6) Positive energy underscores love and high vibrations. 

7) Experiences registered defy anything expressed in words.

8) Life lessons transmute into energy and new incarnations.

9) Souls come together or reunite in form for common purpose.

10) Spirit consciously transmute negative energy for others.