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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in nothing (42)


What if its all here?

Notice how your sense of meaning and inspiration in life change as you begin to recognize all you ever want or need is right where you are.  Notice what the mind would have you think and believe is necessary to become, to do or have.  Watch what happens as what you think you have to do is already done.  Address yourself as if you are everything you are seeking.  Get out of the mind.  Feel through the lens of the heart. Notice the impact on your thoughts and feelings.  Allow yourself to imagine how it is to feel peaceful, accepted and loved.   Everything you undertake reaches for love. 

Notice what stands out for you at this stage of your own creative journey. Notice what you feel compelled to do and to stop doing.  Notice what loses meaning, importance and attention.


A revelation

Notice what happens from the moment you recognize that you only ever talk with yourself.  Notice what is watching and appreciating the dialogue.  If "you" is over there then who is right here, now? 

Feel what its like to lose interest  in comparing between where you came from and where you are going.  Nothing always keeps "you" in sight. Everything is a mirror.  What do you see? Silence listens.


Beyond rationale

To rationalize is to reason. To explain keeps you confined in the head. Notice what happens as you feel your way through justification. You sense selective awareness. That is, you are allowing the mind to block out what is real. What you think you want to hear is not the vibration felt in the heart and soul. Ask self why you want to feel anything other than love and acceptance. Be out of the mind.

Amidst the mental noise, the active inner judge and surface emotions, you hear phrases such as; "It's REALLY nothing!" ; It was ONLY nothing!"; "Nothing TRULY matters." ; Nothing ACTUALLY makes sense!" ; "Nothing is the end of me!". Ask yourself who or what is interpreting 'nothing'? Who gives meaning to nothing? Do you detect irony, cynicism, or fear? This is not what is here.

Go beyond the tactics of the mind. Nothing is quiet, reserved, humble. It simply observes.

Recognize nothing real is ever threatened and the unreal is never real or threatening.


All or nothing

Ever think you have to choose between all or nothing? Notice what happens as you begin to recognize all, nothing and every possible experience in-between are all here for the taking.  You have the freedom  to recognize what this is really about, and the freedom to choose how to feel.

The mind is conditioned to expect to doubt, to make you think you have to deprive yourself or sacrifice  what matters most. The mind's perspective is clouded by its own judgmental filters.  Let them go.  See what happens.  Shift focus to view everything through the lens of the heart. 


When all is said and done

As you become aware of thoughts, you grow aware of the colour the ego gives them. The awakened mind sees through the colour that takes form as beliefs and attitudes. Everything that moves through the mind may manifest through the body. Everything is a pointer.

Engage the intuition. Feel your way into what is reliable. You know how it feels to sense imbalance and to recognize decision-making time. How we deal with each other is what matters. Be at peace with yourself and in harmony with others. Whenever you want to, you can stop the universe and be still. What is real creates peace, stillness and happiness. Be aware of the reactions going on inside the mind. Notice what you know without thinking.

Ask how you can argue with love, harmony, peace? You cannot know them in your head, only through direct experience. When all is said and done, nothing remains. Nothing is always here and is often overlooked. Why? An underlying stream of thoughts adds colour.

Notice what you allow yourself to see. Notice where you get emotionally involved.  Notice where you observe and remain humble and silent.  Notice darkness and light and what it feels like as they merge.  Saying nothing, doing nothing, being nothing, simply be who you are. If ripples exist on the surface of the lake of your mind, you do not see the stars clearly.

"You know if its truth if it leads to peace and harmony and freedom, it leads to letting go, to enlightnement, to the highest happiness, you cna know it must be the truth."  -Buddha