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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in myths (4)


Recall who you are

(Image Source: Adobe Firefly Beta) 
Notice much of what is presented will be felt or realized telepathically. As you begin to sense deeper moving energy, pause, allow and receive. Throughout life, we have many guides and mentors, seen and unseen, yet they are not what they seem.
I sense I have worked as an interplanetary embassador with other beings. Names, cosmic genetics, race or origin is not a focus. Even if we resonate with a particular being or starsystem, we may even have spent many incarnations in a particular region, this is not true nature, not who we are. We may hear of mythical animal hybrids and star races that prompt us to question our identity, ancestry and origins. In truth, we are aspects of Spirit choosing to have experiences in different frequency bands and densities of matter. Many distractions exist to hijack us from inner knowing. Coming back to the breath allows us to decode energy in the moment.
As consciousness expands, and our physical body evolves to hold more light, we can lucidly experience more than one band at once, see and feel the fluctuations in energy within. We can add and subtract overlays, yet this does not change the original core. As we let go of illusions, subtle senses and dormant systems activate. Awareness does not remove the fun or adventure, but merely adds depth and mystery to the nature of shapeshifting and what is emerging. The universe is always inviting us to ask new questions that propel consciousness further forward on a timeless trajectory.  Full Self-realization can only be(come) a reality for you, if you are able to fully embody God's Light. Every moment is anther opportunity to receive, decode, integrate and transmit divine light. 

3 Signs you close in on what matters

(Image credit: NASA Space Telescope)

At least part of you is looking for signs of a shift or change in your life.  Consider three signs you get closer to what matters: 

1. You realize limitations of ordinary language

Myths and symbols exist to reach mans's higher centres which  function in higher states of consciousness.  The intent is to transmit ideas inaccessible to the intellect and to transmit them in such a way that they cannot be misinterpreted or modified from their divine blueprint. The more often sacred geometry and sounds are felt, the more you sense shifts occurring within.  True understanding is only realized when the vibration, frequency of myths, symbols registers in the appropriate centre and activates paths of bio-circuitry.  

2. You are drawn to spiritual places and travel journeys

Myths are originally created for higher feeling centres and symbols for higher thinking centres. Crop circle tours as well as trips to ancient monoliths, archtectural sites and energetic vortices are gaining in popularity. People are growing more conscious and aware of their own dormant and awakening energy centres which are mirror reflections of the earth awakening and reactivating her own energy centres. Ayahuasca journeys are one example described as a spiritual reset button to cleanse the body and soul. Notice where you have been, what you are drawn to and what sort of travel you are already doing inside yourself. Astral travel and Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are other kinds of spiritual journeys that offer clues to the puzzle.

3. It hits everything is a sythesis to be unpacked  

At some stage, it hits that what matters is contained in every book, film, encounter, relationship, dream and experience. Its simply up to each of us to grow conscious of the lesson or teaching we are offering ourselves. The meaning of a symbol and the revelation of its essence can only be given and understood by a person who knows (and can this decode energetically) what it means.  This echos why you can watch a film muliple times and experience different ah-ha moments and the same happens with reading and re-reading books.  You only get out of each expeirence the energetic information that aligns with your level of consciousness. Each human being is thus an initiate in The Mystery School of Life.


Cat got your tongue?

If you ever lose your voice, you may hear its a punishment you get because you speak too much. You may also hear its an invitation to listen more closely to what others say or leave unsaid.  You may even ask if this figment of the imagination is a result of overthinking.

Among theories offered, people refer to witches in the Middle Ages.  In this Era, behaviour viewed as a threat to the norm was greatly feared, often misunderstood and declared heresy.  Witches, for instance, were put to death.  If you saw some practice that could identify a witch, its said her cat would "steal" or control your tongue so you couldn't report the sighting.  Some people view this as a myth.  You may also hear a Middle Eastern Tale that says liars had their tongues ripped out and fed to royal cats. Thus, varied unique reasons exist for silence.

As you stop focusing on the external and turn instead to feel heartfelt love, you begin to sense another view on selective speech.  Here, the heart echoes spiritually unconscious messages that the body is sending through physical ailments. If you temporarily lose your voice, the heart is drawing attention to  the fear of speaking up balanced with attention on the bliss of silence.  Who is identifying and decoding your story? Its no accident that the tongue is the first thing to emerge from the heart in embryonic development.  All answers stick out.


Shatter the myths

How you perceive yourself highly influences your life choices and whether you have faith in dreams.  To what degree you recognize and value your skills and abilities helps you understand your behavior patterns.  Why do you disregard your potential? Why opt to ignore aspects of your personality?  This all influences whether you struggle with your sense of self-worth.  Ready to shatter your self-created myths?

Its quite common for people to nurture false assumptions about their identity. From a young age, we're all labelled by others.  The words we permit to affect us are often those we allow to sink deep into our subconscious.  If you were ever told you weren't capable, you may have grown to believe it.  You don't have to feel permanently inept or inferior.  Rethink reasons for your insecurity or shame. Consider these three tips:

1) IQ tests don't accurately measure intelligence.  How smart you are isn't for other people to tell you.  Its for you to prove to yourself.  This isn't something you can pin down with a number, an acronymn, or any other test result.  It arises through life experience and choices you make that shape your self-confidence.  Many people have been labelled as one type of person and gone on to prove they are a completely different sort.  You are really the best judge of your own character. 

2) Historical & socio-cultural evaluations are misleading.  You may assume your sense of adequacy (or inadequacy) depends on qualities or skills deemed important by your community.  Not everyone works in a field that is socially-valued in mainstream culture.  The level of external approval doesn't have to influence your core self-acceptance.  Yet, lots of people wrongfully assume their earnings, gender, skin color, ethnicity, religion or other labels alone define self-worth. Identity simply is and begins within. As you permit, your emotional awareness grows with you.     

3) Who you are is not reflected in the mind's self-image. The latest trends don't define who you are. Your mind tricks you into thinking it controls the parameters of your life. You intuitively sense untapped abilities before you gaze into a mirror or read current media. Nobody, not the media or the ego knows you as well as the heart. As you imagine your physical body, envision how it functions ideally, how you know it is evolving in quantum leaps. Notice what happens when your thoughts are no longer the point of reference for health and well-being, time and space. Who or what exists beyond the mind's limitations? Can this be perceived or described?