Cat got your tongue?

If you ever lose your voice, you may hear its a punishment you get because you speak too much. You may also hear its an invitation to listen more closely to what others say or leave unsaid. You may even ask if this figment of the imagination is a result of overthinking.
Among theories offered, people refer to witches in the Middle Ages. In this Era, behaviour viewed as a threat to the norm was greatly feared, often misunderstood and declared heresy. Witches, for instance, were put to death. If you saw some practice that could identify a witch, its said her cat would "steal" or control your tongue so you couldn't report the sighting. Some people view this as a myth. You may also hear a Middle Eastern Tale that says liars had their tongues ripped out and fed to royal cats. Thus, varied unique reasons exist for silence.
As you stop focusing on the external and turn instead to feel heartfelt love, you begin to sense another view on selective speech. Here, the heart echoes spiritually unconscious messages that the body is sending through physical ailments. If you temporarily lose your voice, the heart is drawing attention to the fear of speaking up balanced with attention on the bliss of silence. Who is identifying and decoding your story? Its no accident that the tongue is the first thing to emerge from the heart in embryonic development. All answers stick out.

Reader Comments (7)
There is a gentle peace enjoying silence. A very healing and nourishing energy.
So lets say, such a person says something that a witch or person doesn't like. If the offended person then strongly directs a non physical response like.... I wish they would just be quiet and shut up or hold their tongue... such a telepathic suggestion could then infiltrate the subconscious mind... especially if one feels guilty or uncertain for having owned such words in the first place. The body then responds to such outside suggestions by shutting down the vocal chords until such offending words or judgments and associations are forgiven or when such directed energies wear off or wane..... or a stronger counter-wish of re-gaining speech is accepted by the so-called victim.
In a sense, the cat is quiet and sneaky and can infiltrate one's inner home if the doors and windows are left wide open for black cats to play with the mice that runs about in the unconscious mind as subroutines. Therefore, a black cat is an agent or symbol of intent to deliver energies into localized dream realities. Perhaps the cat then is the one that even delivers genetically altered mice to play unseen and unrecognized games in the recesses and hollows of a shadowed mind.
One solution then for such scenarios is to explore the mind and to light up the shadows, driving out all mice, and creating only habitats and rooms for welcome guests. Another solution is to learn to have integrity in everything one says and does. In this way nothing gets out into the world without their inventorying everything that one owns within their inner personal world. The tongue then is only used to sing with sincerity that which always feels perfect and acceptable in any and all embraceable situations.
Thanks Liara .. an important reminder .. Hilary