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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in intention (36)


Why feel invisible or powerless? 

As the story goes, a stone buddha statue is revered by many people.  They approach it by ascending mountain using a series of stone steps. One evening, after the people are gone, the steps express a few words with this statue;

"It is not fair!," cried the steps. "We are carved out of stone from the same mountain and yet people flock to walk all over us and only ever bow down to you.  How can this be possible?"

The buddha statue listened in silence.  When the was ready, he replied: 

"You, as steps, were formed by a few cuts of a knife. I emerged from that same stone yet, only after more than ten thousand cuts." 

As a reminder, we influence each other and all of life with our intention.  We can transform our experiences from fear to love or not.  The rising sun offers new conditions.  The more one thinks of oneself as invisible and powerless, the more one can grow aware of the inner judge, why we blame or envy and how every emotion brings consequences.  One can exert creative power responsibly or irresponsibly.   


How to make the most of now?

You could choose to see the bright side of where you are and your current circumstances. How often do you do so? Some people are the sort that bring sunny optimism with them even when its raining.  Other people seldom view anything positive in moment. What about you?

Imagine how your life feels as you detach from the drama, relinquish grudges and other hard feelings, and simply choose to see beauty and love inside self and others. What happens as you decide to sense advantages and blessings in all your choics and also to be aware of why you make them? Why focus on such intentions?  You decide whether to make the most of now and also how this translates into being.

For some people, this means cherishing every moment they are given in this lifetime, choosing to laugh off annoyance rather than allow self to get angry, doing more with less, cutting back on extraneous activities and detaching from relationships and conditions that no longer resonate with how they feel.  Be aware your choices reflect priorities.  Pursuit of material things, discrimination or complaining about where you are not or those choices that trigger continued discomfort, may lose their appeal. What happens as you make new choices?

Notice every choice you make is creating experience.  The clothes you buy, the food you eat, the people you connect with, the places you live, the physical things you use, the affiliations you create or discontinue, all of this reflects how you feel inside.  What messages about self-acceptance ordissatisfaction are you sending? How closely are you listening, hearing? Even now, you choose to Transform your life.


Why are you hypnotized by fantasy?

Many people are drawn to focus on external illusions rather than watching what transpires from the inside out.  When was the last instance you remember focusing on the dancing shadows, the glimpses of orbs or light, until you almost forgot your core intention?

Part of you senses vividly why you succomb to the dream fantasy.  The voice of soul reminds you of free will.  Everything you experience in linear time is truly occurring in the twinkling of an eye.  Hear the echo of deeper soul and connect with Cosmic Synchronicity


What is successive knowing?

Different perspectives exist concerning successive and body or mind knowing. Some cultures are familiar with reincarnation.  This is the idea that the soul lives on in different physical bodies or forms, and can access stored memories of lives in other bodies or forms.   What would you say if everything you have ever thought, felt, wanted or done is stored as energy in a cloud that is accessible?

Some people indicate this triggers association with the trill character Dax in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.  Other people refer to Buddhist or other Eastern views that consider reincarnation not as a belief, but an example of inner knowing based on practical experience and connections with spiritual (non-physical) realms.  As your curiosity peaks, you wonder how to truly figure this out.

To focus your heart on certain feelings allows you to attune to the flow.  As you express earnest interest and get clear about your intention, this invites you to remember what is most relevant and appropriate at this moment. Everyone has opportunities to grow aware, and choose to dis-associate from judgment and contradictions. Belief systems are what obscure the inner truth and keep you from remembering the feeling of being in the vortex. Tune into my April 4/5 Blog talk radio show, or the recorded archives for engaging dialogue on this topic:

Everything can be experienced as aligning layers of Cosmic Synchronicity. How does it resonate with you?


Allow feelings to guide you

The intensity of your desire and intention, and how long you focus, influences the impact on your perceved reality.  A thought activates an energy vibration.  You may sense it or may not discern it all. Yet, you feel it.  To what degree you allow your feelings to guide you determines what happens next.  You may relate to this process.

Take for example how a woman invited a seminar opportunity into the scope of her awareness. She did this by hearing about certain material and resonating with its energy vibration.  As synchronicity worked its magic, she discovered a related event and planted a seed in the mind. She kept stumbling across references to the author of the material and books on the place where the conference would be held.  The universe was sending her messages.

Over the next week, she read another book by the author and connected directly with a kindred spirit who appreciates the material. They exchanged ideas on the event and sensed it sounded meant to be. Low and behold, accommodation and travel plans fell into place as they knew they would. Nothing occurs without inviting the thought and allowing it. You are always in the right place and right time for miracles because you create them.

These women tuned their vibrational frequency of being to align with their vibrational frequency of desire.  In essence, they are conscious of what they attract and imagine a situation into being.  They sensed it already is, focus on the present, feel they are going and do. Their feeling enegy matches the vision; a case of Cosmic Synchroncity.