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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in God (26)


Raise your awareness

Every moment offers infinite opportunities for knowing to arise in crystal clarity.  What do you feel as you begin to recognize order exists in chaos? What resonates within as you intuit every living thing is an extention of source energy that is you? 

You exist to experience different cycles, lessons and lifetimes as part of the process of raising self-awareness.  Every choice you make and do not make invites the mind torecall God (or how you relate to this) gave you all that is.  Imagine the resonance as you intuit you are this source energy or cosmic ocean, that gives everything to and through all.  How does it feel to be everything and everywhere now?  Stillness speaks.

Consider the soul is never content with less than total recall. It takes form in the physical body to engage in Earthly experiences and intuitively senses the truth it cannot name.  The ego-mind comes to call it love, fulfillment, satisfaction and other concepts it comes to avidly pursue.  Ultimately, nothing and nowhere are where is at and the revelation that the formless truth is everywhere. Everything is a stepping stone to unity. 

 "So powerful isthe light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth." -Baha'ullah


Discern the energy shift

Its easy to get bogged down with events you perceive to be unfolding around you. Do you lose sight of the energy shifts occuring within and around you? Notice the currents of energy that take shape in emotions and perceptions. Notice whether ego takes a god-like role in your life or fades into the serene emptiness.  Notice how you experience and exercise power and whether silence and humbleness reign as teachers.


Feel the truth in your heart

To know the truth of your authentic self is to awaken to the truth of all things. To feel the unconditional love youa re is to know you have nothing to forgive. What is it that dominates your consciousness? As you push aside your reliance on others, and move beyond the desire for approval, you rely on your intuition. You accept limitless being. You are present with what is. You know what you read or what anyone tells you invites you is not you. Everything points to the harmony you feel outside the story.

Feel the wisdom in kindness and compassion. Trust in choices that echo peace and love. Resonating peace quiets the mind and empowers one beyond measure. A sense of self disappears. Bliss unfolds. To be still is to be true to soul, to rcall the inner gift of fearlessness. You are pure love.


What if God is mind?

As a person removes layers of beliefs and dissolves everything associated with physical reality, pure love energy remains.

As matter and energy are constantly transforming, they are not as closely linked with higher forces as a revolutionary perception of expanding mind. You are drawn out-of-body and out-of-mind to reconnect with the heart centre. And yet, to be drawn out of the human mind is to reconnect with consciousness which is a perception of the universal mind.

What if God is the universal mind? What if you are taught to assume you are reaching for God and heaven outside the self when they are inside? What if they are you? What if heaven is the true symbolism of the body and energy that flows through consciousness? What if the temple is the third eye or doorway into the soul? What if you are given clues to reality in words you use but you do not yet embrace the significance?

To sense consciousness has the ability to interact with energy and create physical reality is not new. The Living Matrix film is a meaningful guide. Dan Brown's recent release book, The Lost Symbol also inspires readers to learn about noetic science.  One senses omnicience exists beyond human perception.


Awaken to your game of life

If Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Nanak and Zoroaster, and peers of their level, were seated around a table discussing consciousness, you might wonder what matters they would discuss or if everything would be telepathic.  You might also wonder if they play a game of cards, which face images would the cards reveal? Would personality transcend? If all is revealed, then which faces remain?

Their followers formed religions which highlight difference, control and power struggles.  You might evolve to feel such practices deviate from the original tenets that promote wisdom and humility.  Such traits raise conscious awareness beyond superficial levels of dreams.

Its said spirituality is based on three common ideas agreed on by all sages:

1) A sense of a unifying, supreme, absolute Source 

2) Humankind's mortal nature and unlimited energy as a radiation from the Source

3) The possibility of learning spiritual secrets by deconditioning and remembering what you forgot at birth.

Regardless of whether you consciously connect with some God  from within or from outside the human spirit, your consciousness has the potential to expand alongside your evolutionary process.  You may experience biological turning points or changes in psychic energy.  You always have opportunities for different levels of awakening.  What sorts of cards do you hold in your spiritual hand? Which ones will you lay down? Which cards, if any, reveal the true self and decode the ultimate dream?