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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in God (26)


This moment is always fresh

Regardless of what appears to you to be happening, how you view this moment is always fresh.  You choose how to view unfolding events in your life.  You are the judge and jury, the observer and silence. It is always possible to step back, view things from another angle or turn the page.  See what is beyond apparent roadblocks.  Be aware of what you are not seeing, why you resist.

This moment, you are given the chance to make something of yourself or nothing.  Be bold.  Envision what would take your human experience beyond imagined limits.  Fearless living takes being human to a new level.  This life is about removing all that prevents you from seeing you already soar.  God gives you the gift of life.  What you do with this life is your gift to him and you.


Awaken to connections

As you begin to join the dots in life, you begin to see everything is connected by and through systems.  Its magical. The more you let go of becoming, the more you surrender to being.  Nature is a perfect reflection of divine essence.  As you stop trying to find connections, you awaken to patterns.  Notice everything speaks to and through you.  Watch what happens as you let go of a sense of being different than what you think you see.  This allows you to feel likeness in a new ways.  Notice who shares space with infinity.  You share air, water, earth, universes with everything. Listen closely to silence and energy vibrations.  Everything is living, radiating light.  By being honest with yourself, and you honour the Earth.  Imagine you are evolving into new states of being.  Be the God you are.  Embody truth, love and oneness.


Honour your guru

It is often assumed that to honour your guru is to worship or highly respect something outside yourself.  Notice what happens as you view everything and everyone as a pointer to the guru within.  To know thyself is to reclaim what you can never lose.

Imagine that the highest goal of life is to recognize yourself as the Creator of your own human experience. The eternal moment of now is a forever changing mosaic. Your own consciousness creates your experiences. Whatever you fear you draw to you in order to shatter your own myths. As self- doubt subsides, you no longer view yourself as separate from anything. Honesty and transparency are clearly the right path. What you do to others, you do unto yourself. To see yourself as you truly are is to know you and God are indivisible, and the heart always echoes your own divine voice. You are love, Source, that from which everything is always in the process of emerging.


What do you truly want?

Notice how wants and desires arise from birth. A separate sense of self is born. This is not itself an issue. This is not meant to be a substitution for the divine being within. Notice whatever you give attention to grows. So, it is believing in separateness that gives rise to whatever you allow to hijack your focus.  All-the-while, the truth never moves.  Ask yourself what this moment feels like without all the wants and desires.

Step back from what gives life to your story, from what evokes emotions in your direct experience. Notice they grow stronger grounded in perceived time (past and future), a sense of suffering, loss or lack that seems to exist. What is the underlying message? What peers through?The only things that can change are mind and how it experiences. The perceiver of all is forever present. What is wanted beyond ego and desire?

Beyond that exists the imagined ideal, that which is intuited as perfect freedom. An image of unconditional love jumps into mind until it is known you are this.  Awareness does not exert effort to rid you of your thoughts. What you are does not believe in thought.  Notice how you speak of or view "you" and awareness or that which has no form. Are they not one? Look deeper. Notice what you really want and what you really are is always here. What direct experience is the living question you continue to seek?

"You are free to call forth any reality that you wish. What does God want? Nothing. Absolutely nothing." -Neale Donald Walsch


Penetrate the ultimate reality

As you turn inward and gradually turn inside out, revelations unfold.  Every aspect of existence is a vibration of light energy.  You are an extension of the eternal source.  You have no beginning or end.  Energy only flows between forms. While experiencing different states of mind, the core state of being is always present.  The awareness of true nature as the whole is also here. As you let go of all that is not you, what remains is the ultimate reality.  It echoes you are the giver and receiver of all you have ever done. You do not become something you were not. Apparent ignorance or forgetting who you are is temporary. To love and accept all as you reveals the highest truth.

"What man is God once was [is happening now through you and me], what God is, man is also now." - Anonymous