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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Penetrate the ultimate reality

As you turn inward and gradually turn inside out, revelations unfold.  Every aspect of existence is a vibration of light energy.  You are an extension of the eternal source.  You have no beginning or end.  Energy only flows between forms. While experiencing different states of mind, the core state of being is always present.  The awareness of true nature as the whole is also here. As you let go of all that is not you, what remains is the ultimate reality.  It echoes you are the giver and receiver of all you have ever done. You do not become something you were not. Apparent ignorance or forgetting who you are is temporary. To love and accept all as you reveals the highest truth.

"What man is God once was [is happening now through you and me], what God is, man is also now." - Anonymous

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