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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in experience (17)


Have fun being human

Ever notice you can choose to have fun wherever you are and however you perceive?  Some people always yearn for yesterday.  Other people focus attention on tomorrow.  Where is your attention? To sense you are spirit energy choosing to have a human experience invites you to savour everything about being where you are.  What stands out for you? How is your experience shifting right before our very eyes?


Everything is temporary

Everything is temporary.  You can choose to make the most of where you are or not.  You can choose to feel satisfied with the nature of your current experience and retain some meaningful lessons or forget it all.  Nobody but you is responsible for what is happening, for what you are thinking and feeling.  You can stop and rewind the tape or let is continue in another direction.  Play it backward, sideways, even fast forward. What is it to be? What if revelations about what is temporary help you feel your way through what is unreal to sense the real?

"Everything [unreal] is temporary. Everything [unreal] is bound to end." -Keren Ann 


Savour the journey

Things you feel are finding their way into your experience. You control what is coming into your life and when. This physical existence is about the process of unfolding not outcomes. Recognize that from the vantage point of non-physical energy, you know you constantly generate desires and you prefer things beyond what you are living now. You set the parameters for what presents. You project yourself mentally anywhere you choose to go. Know what you want and be a vibrational match.  Be like Nike-Just do it.

The nature of desire propels you forward and encourages you to appreciate the power of desires unfulfilled. In the idea of wanting more, source energy becomes it. Sense benefis in dissatisfaction. You know what you want more clearly as you step back from the limited perception of the physical. As you choose to tune in to the vibrational patterning of what you are not yet seeing physical evidence for, you sense the world from a broader, higher vibration. Know all you want is all you are and sense that.

You are always developing, growing, expanding and manifesting based on how you make the best of things all along the way. Imagine yourself as a potter enjoying the process of creating with clay and having fun. Imagine yourself as a sculptor, a painter, a composer, focused only on the end result and ignoring the magic of the creating. Why shift away from the joy to be felt all along the journey? Choose to love the perpetual incompleteness of you. Notice the positive energy you generate in states of anticipation. What you think and how you feel is always a vibrational match. Alter perception and transform experience.

Savour every aspect of this journey and expand. Train yourself to view everything through the eyes of the widest perspective. Vibrate in a non-resistant state of being. When you have full view of expanding reality as conscious source energy, you expect and know your unlimited potential. You sense yourself vibrationally, know all is well from every angle, recognize the veil of illusion for its teaching, engage in remarkable telepathic and teleportation experiences and things beyond description.


Merge into bliss

As one stops looking for what appears to be missing, one merges into what already is.  In essence, to slow down and turn inward enables you to notice a serenity and understanding that grounds you where you are.  How does perspective shift to sense that regardless of what is happening around you, within all is well? From the moment nothing bothers you, all that is irrelevant falls away.

"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there are only walls."- Joseph Campbell


Choose eternity over time

What ego wants, you come to expect. Why is that? What can you do from this moment to shift focus?

Any decision of the mind affects both behaviour and experience. Consider feelings that ground you in a sense of physical time. Guilt may trigger regret, and evoke fears like retaliation or abandonment. Ego may convince you the future simply repeats the past. What if nothing the ego perceives is interpreted correctly?

As you step back and witness ego, notice its judgment of what is worthy makes something worthy for you. Notice only loving thoughts are timeless.  To rediscover a sense of eternity reminds you who you are.