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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in experience (17)


Rediscover inner treasures

Notice how often you dream of where you are in the present moment, and which thoughts and feelings capture your attention. Notice also when you dream of where you perceive you are not, doing what you hope would like to avoid. How do each of these experiences resonate? Why does each one serve you?

Many people take steps to resist or subdue what enters the mind. Tension arises as one exerts control. Other people make peace and allow whatever comes to flow rather than fight. They notice the mind releases itself from temporary emotional reactions. Which living experience uncovers inner treasure?


What if you feel torn?

Very often, people feel as though their choices project results which would leave them in an awkward position either way. When was the last time you felt torn among choices? What kind of experience do you have in this regard? Reflect on this amidst any quandry;

1) Consider the hidden reasons you are drawn to each choice.

2) Notice when your impulse is to appease others at expense of self.

3) Remember you are not meant to please everyone (& seeking to do so reflects state of mind).

4) Ask what is real about the question. Transitory emotional states are not real.

5) Ponder the significance of a silent mind. Events follow events. See things as they are.


Who are you?

Something in the mind echoes that to be aware of what you are not, is not the whole picture. You grow to connect with parts of self on so many levels the mind does not grasp.  You evolve into states which cannot be described.  The act of perceiving shows you are not what you perceive.  Many people resonate with what they are not and use that to create an identity. Sound like you?

Part of you is an experiencer that imparts reality.  Memory creates an illusion of continuity. Who you are is not related to time, but timelessness.  You cannot 'get this' in the mind as you are it.  Release a sense of the unreal.  The real unfolds in Cosmic synchronicity.


Experience the stillness

As you choose to experience the stillness, the only thing that stands in the way of the full and complete experience is the mind and your choice to stand in your own way.  To experience who you are is enough.  You begin to transform as you go into it right now.

How many people choose to be alone and embrace what that means? Choose to connect with others who meet you in a place of unconditional love.  You are a vibration that has infinite power to generate external constructs, to dismantle them, and be your own joy.  This is all part of a series of revelations you trigger with the heart.  It is a glimpse of your role in Cosmic Synchronicity.


Experience what matters

Every moment, you choose how to experience this world.  All your beliefs, every structured thought, actually limits the scope of your awareness. As you notice where you feel uneasy, at the same moment, you also know everything is just as it is meant to be.

Challenge yourself to let go of what you believe is good or bad for you. Detach from the perception of adversity, from seeing things part of you wishes should not be.  Remember how to effortlessly sense what you have chosen and  sense what you are learning now.

You are remembering how to view your conditions from a distanced point of view. You are moving from the mind into your heart.  This is from where you reconnect, you consciously experience what matters.  You move into a space where you are open to new levels of Cosmic Synchronicity.  Share your perspective of this stage of your transformation.