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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in regret (3)


5 Tips to Honor yourself

Honoring yourself is about paying attention and listening to yourself.  Whatever arises in response to your experiences, which can include no response at all, shows exactly where love can be sent. Ponder these 5 tips to honour yourself:

1. Locate feedback in your body

Whether you feel intimidated, like a failure, powerless, discouraged, or still wanting things to go a different way, each feeling invites you to zero in on feedback in your body, and get-to-know yourself better.  This is an opportunity to intuit deeply into your own messages, to thine own self be true.  Be empowered.  Remind yourself who is the master of your body.

2. Acknowledge your feelings

It is not necessary to know what to do or how to respond to your feelings.  Yet, it is poignant to be aware as they arise or as soon after as possible.  Watch judgements you have in relation to struggles you face.

3. Surrender

This is about relinquishing each conflict, burden and hardship in a way that allows spaciousness, relaxation and relief to take over.   Each confession you make to yourself unleashes divine grace that allows the universe to flow through you more effortlessly. 

4.  Let go of regret

You might gasp and say, "if only I had kept my mouth shut" or, "keeping that secret would have made life easier", or, "Why did I leave myself so open?"  Although you may not get the ego's desired result, every apparent ending or closing life chapter always gets the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

5. Make peace with loose ends

Every effort you exert is an unconscious attempt to avoid pain, despair and suffering.  In the emerging paradigm, it is imperative to make peace with emotions so you are no longer caught in a cycle of seeking out one feeling and avoiding others.  This is part of awakening out of polarity so you are no longer at the mercy of highs and lows of life. Excitng gains do not have to be followed by undesirable losses. Everything shifts as you are receptive to a new way of being.


Notice patterns crumbling

What if you choose not to bring perceptions of the past into interactions of this moment? Imagine what life would be like if you did not view people as walking personal histories.  Consider that people often exist with varying degrees of resentment, regret and unresolved issues.  Notice where the same reactions present each time you encounter certain people.  Move beyond the patterns. Others do not have to understand you for you to be happy. Free yourself from what you thought you needed.  With presence comes compassionate acceptance of who you are.  Give others space to be as they are.  Let go.  Be free.


Choose eternity over time

What ego wants, you come to expect. Why is that? What can you do from this moment to shift focus?

Any decision of the mind affects both behaviour and experience. Consider feelings that ground you in a sense of physical time. Guilt may trigger regret, and evoke fears like retaliation or abandonment. Ego may convince you the future simply repeats the past. What if nothing the ego perceives is interpreted correctly?

As you step back and witness ego, notice its judgment of what is worthy makes something worthy for you. Notice only loving thoughts are timeless.  To rediscover a sense of eternity reminds you who you are.