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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in experience (17)


How do you get where you are going?

Humans are often conditioned to think, 'faster, better, cheaper.' That is, they are taught to seek short-cuts to their destinations, keeping those ends in -mind. Where you are headed is something the mind is determined to define, orient and steer. What if other perspectives beckon? The heart suggests you feel your way and disregard the logic. What if short-cuts to increased awareness do not exist?

Let's say your own experience is required to know what truly works. In other words, you only gain insight into who you are from making decisions and experiencing the consequences.   This includes the emotions that feel good and those which do not.  Each experience is meaningful for you have potential to gain from it.  You decide the what, when how and whey as well as when.

Another perspective is that getting somewhere is based on mind-focused, linear thinking.  The heart knows you are already a somebody as you are, where you are, and there is no need to go anywhere.  In this sense, the mind may tell you you are going nowhere fast.  Step away and reflect on the truly beautiful, loving soul are right now.  Revelations are part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


What comes into your experience?

This is a journey that never ends. For some people, existence is a constant flow of wonderment and grace. For other people, they choose to experience reasons for fear and anything but what mind desires. Take a closer look at what comes into your experience. What stands out? What are you told?

Let's say you only decide to choose only what feels good, what fills you with happiness.  How does your perspective shift? What would you let go? You would sense different shifts in perception.

Right now, you are invited to detach from what you are told is right, from what the mind is conditioned to believe, to reconnect with what it feels to experience the flow. You are invited to redirect attention to the air you breathe and the subtle nuances of energy within.  The inner experience shapes the outer.

You have the power to shift focus from chaos and imbalance.  You can choose to sense those things you did not see or accept before.  The key is choosing to get out of your own way. The way exists to feel good any moment you choose. Simply turn inward and reconnect with what you have always known.

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