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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in expectations (22)


Expect the best

As you experience stages of this journey called 'life,' you always have choices about how to respond to what you imagine is unfolding. Whether you expect the best or fear the worst, the mind invites you to imagine and create scenarios to reinforce your thoughts.

Take a few moments to ask some questions. Notice how you respond to people and events in your current focus of attention. What are the reactions of people in your life inviting you to notice about yourself? How is every event gently nudging you away from what you outgrow and toward what is dear to the heart? Which signs do you hear or ignore?

As you recall more details of your night dreams, notice what they reveal about your waking life. Everything is a message. Which lessons are you invited to recognize? How do you feel about them? What role do perceptions play in shaping your experience? What happens as you sense your current situation is actually a blessing in disguise?

From the moment you focus your thoughts and attention on how everything is serving your greater good, you also transform how and what you allow yourself to see.

"The best things in life are unexpected- because there were no expectations." -Eli Khamarov


Be real

From the moment you are real with yourself, you can be real with others. Even now, you have the means to see things as they are.  You already sense what is real.  The most important thing is to challenge your own mind.  When did you last question your beliefs, emotions or sense of reality?  Be brave.  When you are in denial of reality, life is painful.  Fear and discomfort arise from ill-will. Shift focus. See things as they are.

Notice our desires bend the mind.  You cannot trust your perceptions, expectations or your thoughts.  When you remove attachment and ill will, then all is only ever going well. Challenge your assumptions.  Watch what happens as you stop what you are doing, or do things more slowly.  You see deeper meaning, notice what you skip over when you go fast. You suddenly have time to linger, to know things more intimately.

To find the truth, you must move beyond fear and wishful thinking.  There is nothing wrong with natural course of things, of the evolution of life and death.  Accept that.  It is not the length of life that matters but the quality of it.  This is where you get real. Be still.  The truth erases suffering. Problems do not exist when you love unconditionally. 

"From a certain point of view our real enemy, the true troublemaker, is inside yourself." - Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)


Inspiration for Be your Dream

You may wonder about sources of inspiration for my latest book,  Be your Dream. Each of my books is divinely inspired and actually writes itself.  Each one invites you to recognize choices you make come down to love or fear. Each invites awareness and consciousness to reveal themselves to the extent you allow them. Each book offers quotes that beckon you to see your own reflection through the eyes of all others.

This new book invites you to recognize the role of the ego the heart in dreaming. It also invites you to see what happens as you see things as they are and as heart and mind as seen as one.  You already read your thoughts and feelings, but are you aware they tell you how how true you are to self, and what you can do to see the truth and lies?

Be your Dream empowers you to notice the role of ego in your dreaming process, how scarcity motivates certain choices as part of the struggle for abundance and seeing the ego for what it is inspires other choices. This book invites The Awakening to the nature of beliefs and negativity. You are invited to stand in your power, face the inner shadow and know what the true reality is beyond conditioning. The cause of the social system is our individual refusal to do inner work.  Nothing changes in the external world until we make inner changes. As Gandhi says, "Be the change you wish to see."

This book invites you to see how the mind is a fear filter and the heart is like a lens of love through which we allow ourselves to see the world.  As you allow the heart and mind are seen as one, you begin to see existing is about inner work, and what is required to deconstruct problems you imagine into being. What happens as you come to accept and embody freedom? Experience is the unquestionable teacher.

Every moment, we have opportunities for change.  Everything that you experience can be related to dreams.  Any insecurities you have are based in fear. That fear you are not all you perceive yourself to be is the reason for dreaming, for goal-setting, for creating unrealistic expectations of yourself.  All of it is illusion constructed to keep you from discovering the truth.  Shift focus.  See what happens.  Awakening occurs when each of us discovers things for ourselves. Inspire others to find their own light within.

"You are your own judge. The verdict is up to you." -Astrid Alauda


Be happy no matter what 


Notice how external events train the mind unless you see the physical world as it is.  To discover you are awake is to observe thoughts, feelings, the underlying vibrations and expectations. The desire to control subsides.  Choose to feel good no matter what.  Do not allow people to discourage you. Imagine the worst.  Know how you view is always for the best.  

Every moment invites you to be aware of what people and situations you permit to affect you and how.  When emotional reactions arise, they are serving you.  The universe invites you to notice, understand and let go.  Loving inner peace is always yours.

"... the soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears." - Native American Saying


You finally get it

When you finally get it, you recall what freedom is and live more fully every moment. You stop holding others to expectations and let them go.  You stop feeling dischord and recall how harmony feels.  You stop depriving yourself of what you truly want and allow it to reach you.  You detach from those people who do not resonate with how you feel and invite other people into your life who match your frequency.  You leave behind a sense of imbalance and fear to bridge the gap to know balance and love.  All of those things that used to matter become irrelevant.