It matters not

It matters not the experiences you have. Each one is a wonderful example of the power you hold and how you choose to create. What you do temporaily obscures the reality that exists beyond what physical senses discern.
What if you start to see every moment as a perfect reflection that you have no limitation of any kind? To experience any discomfort simply dilutes the truth, the beauty and unconditional love of the universe.
What if you allow self to experience the constant movement of energy without resistance or struggle? You are shifting from a belief to knowing what you experience. The place of knowing is familiar. You do not doubt.
You also require no external validation. You trust something beyond words, beyond expectations, beyond anything expressed outwardly. Every moment, you can be aware of the nature of your role in Cosmic Synchonicity.
You have the choice to detach from memories and beliefs, to move from forgetfulness to infinite remembering. Undesirables no longer exist. You choose where to keep focus. You only feel the timeless awareness of now. Nothing prevents you from experiencing fully and completely what is. Reorient the self where it feels right.