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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in connection (29)


Be the bridge

Notice what happens as you feel "you" are a bridge. Notice how "you" view bridges, create bridges and live as a bridge.  Notice some bridges build themselves.  Notice where you burn bridges,  or are invited to bridge the gap between thinking and feeling. 

Come what may, notice what you are connecting or reconnecting and disconnecting from.  Notice the varied aspects of being.  Notice everything is a pointer to what escapes "you."  Be the bridge you are born to be.  Open yourself up deeper to the fluidity of life.  Allow more of your spirit to express itself through you.  It is possible to be receptive and accepting of more lives, dimensions, personality traits and experiences.  Spirit does not choose or control.  It simply allows the nature of self to be changeable and ever-flowing.  Everything is a stepping stone.


Feel completely connected

Everything is speaking to you in its own language.  Notice where you listen with the mind or the heart to people, situations and other things you perceive in your life.  When you judge something as good or bad, this is the mind.  When you see blessings, this is the heart. Notice when you feel connected to or disconnected to the heart.  Love is what you are made of. 

The human part of you thinks listening is based on words.  In the mind, the act of listening is an interpretation of words and their meanings. The mind agrees or disagrees with what is perceived.  (i.e., I like what is happening or I do not like it) When mind agrees, it simply confirms its existing beliefs  It cannot  see beyond self-created limitation.  When the mind disagrees, you are blocked.  You are not really hearing.  The moment you apply rules to something or judge it, you are not listening.  You close off or shut out what is being conveyed.

The essence of being is the heart or core of you. Heartfelt listening recognizes everything has a vibration, a message. To listen with the heart is to be completely open. You see every perception points to a deeper message. This is how awakening happens. It is about sensing the way to who you are. The truth is felt. The more you see a message of love, the more you lose yourself and the more you are one with it.  Whatever you can see, experience and allow, you are that.

If you are not listening fully, that is, if you are feeling bad, anxious judging it as good or bad, you are invited to recognize deeper meaning to imbalance. Watch what happens as you ask the heart for insight.  It is always truthful.  You always feel at ease or at peace when the self is absent, when you are not self-conscious. Notice joy flows freely.  When you are enjoying life, watch what happens when someone asks you what you are feeling. Self comes into the picture and the priceless sensation is gone from view.

Notice when you are happy, you feel complete and connected and have no urge to ask questions. There is no need to fix, change or do anything.  Connection is not something you do. Connection is ever present  Emotions are a gauge that help you realize when you feel disconnected from the core.


Possibilities & solutions are yours

Every moment, you are invited to awaken to aspects of yourself, to the freedom and clarity that are yours. You embody more possibilities and solutions than you consciously realize. You accept and allow self-awareness to flourish or, resist the clearing process that empowers you to see through illsions you create. When you accept what you know, questions vanish. All you ever need is already here. The essence of being always feels good. The physical you responds to external stimuli and moulds the creative clay of your reality. Unlimited opportunities exist. What do you not choose to see? Why feel less than you are?

From the mind's view in the physical world, many choices, actions or conditions would satisfy you. Mind asumes you must exert effort, do things, get places to achieve, check items off a list, or in essence, obtain something you do not yet have. This view overlooks the core of your being is joyful being or doing already.

Listen to the heart. It echos you can feel happy doing anything. Amidst all perceived choices, the feeling of love and connection to what you do not see enables the fullness of who you are to flow through you. Where and how you focus attention determines if you are receptive to opportunities present now. Be open and allow energy to flow. Possibilities and solutions are yours as you make the most of where you are.


Animalistic tendencies?

Enough is enough. Whatever people are doing around you, this doesn't mean you have to think like them or behave like them. You can decide to change the view you have of yourself. Did you ever begin to expect positive personality changes in your life? People may overlook you and your many efforts. Yet, if you keep doing the right thing, your life is going to unfold in ways you may never have thought possible. Amidst all of this, would you have animalistic tendencies?

Some people begin to compare themselves to an animal based on personality traits. You may hear people may call themselves or others: "lazy as a sloth," "forgetful as a goldfish," "slow as a snail," "sly as a fox," "vain as a peacock," "unpredictable as a chameleon," "neurotic as a male hyena" or, "talkative as a parakeet."  These particular comparisons are criticisms that don't bolster positive thinking.  Why would we go so far as to reinforce the negative with such vivid visual examples? Would it be a desire to drive the self-doubt home? Why might you associate yourself with creatures you don't reallly like? This may signal that deep down, you don't like aspects of yourself. Why not turn the tables so that a positive side shines through?

Comparisons with some animal and insect personality traits can indeed be very uplifting and complimentary. You may have heard, "wise as an owl," "industrious as an ant," "loyal as a dog," "conscientious as a chimpanze," "graceful as a swan," "social as a butterfly," "soar like an eagle" or, "improvise like a grasshopper." These views reflect compliments which carry over to enable people to feel good.

As you realize you have choices and free will, you can step back and visualize the traits you believe you have hidden inside or would like to develop. You evolve into how you think. You can envision 'the new you' by making comparisons with animals and personality traits you admire. If you desire to become a more effective communicator, decide you will.  Seek out desirable situations. Decide to be "happy as a clam." Extroverts hone their social skills.  It enables them to "transform like a dragonfly." The opposite effect may happen with introverts who decide to be "quiet as a mouse," "invisible as a spider web" or "uncomfortable as a fish out of water."

What does all this mean, you ask? It draws attention to not only the choices of words we use to describe ourselves, but also the complex ways we go about clarifying how we see ourselves and others. Whether or not animal and insect personalities offer insight into human personalities is less important than the perception we and societies have of such comparisons. Its useful to recall animal personalities have more than one side. More than one trait or personality associated is associated with each animal. As you review the influences on your mindset, you might consider animal personallity traits and which matches yours?

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