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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in Henry Ford (2)


Interview with Diana Sandalwood

Diana Sandalwood is the Director of the Dreamweaving Meditation and Counselling Centre.  An adept teacher and healer, her life and work shows that we develop skills, enter into situations and create relationships that our Soul knows is best for our evolution.  We appreciate her willingness to be candid about milestones and during her own journey.  Thanks for offering examples of compassion and courage, inspiring us all to be grateful for every moment and lesson that presents itself.

Share some pivotal moments in your life that guide you to where you are today.

A radical transformation of my own Consciousness has come from my collective life experiences. Some I readily accepted, and others, I initially resisted. All of them have shaped this ‘raw gem’ that is me. All our life experiences mold or sculpt us into who we become as adults.

Sounds like your view about life echoes how Michelangelo felt when he said, ‘Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.’

You could say that. Earlier in life, during search for answers and belonging, I found great solace in the Christian Church Community.  Though I have now respectfully and lovingly distanced myself from it, I am grateful as it guided me to a solid base on which to build my life. 

Feeling gratitude and excitement reflects the knowing you have always had that destiny is on the way. Our desire for connection and love runs deep, to the point we may compromise who we are, to find belonging.  Brene Brown's book, Braving the Wilderness: A Quest for True Belonging to Stand Alone, invites us all to explore our own vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame that are tied up in the concept of belonging.  Tell us about how you come to trust yourself more...

I recall cases where I felt stretched, almost to breaking point.  Yet, I hung in there, believing answers would come, and they eventually did.  It was scary, but I developed faith and trust in myself out of necessity.

Developing trust in oneself and the unknown is part of human evolution.  Many people reach stages where they feel ready to give up, and some do.  Yet, many, like yourself, do not.  As we each  come to realize, challenges offer opportunities to grow stronger,  to tap into what we are truly made of. It is as if we let go of logic to trust other modes of operating.  We shift gears, switch focus.

Searching for Truth and meaning did bring its share of challenges, yet, it also allowed me to gain Spiritual Knowledge then access a depth of Knowing.  This process helps me sort the junk from the Truth… and shows me who I REALLY am, how powerful I am.

What you describe triggers goosebumps. As we feel positive emotions while visualizing different segments of our lives unfolding, feelings we would would feel as we see our vision happening and coming true, this is so powerful.  Meditating on our vision regularly changes everything.  As we bring in all our mind's senses, the sounds we would hear, the smells, colors and what other senses detect, we feel the light and energy of inspiration giving us all we need to go forward.

From your view, what is the REAL meaning of Christianity and Spirituality?

It is not about religion or ‘crowd control’.  Holiness and sacredness are found within.  I sense what is expected of me involves ‘how to live and BE Love.’ I would not call myself religious, but my life experiences prompt me to feel I am a combination of; philosopher, mystic, psychic, seer, healthy sceptic and Optimist.

Optimism is like a happiness magnet that draws more reasons to feel joy, guides us everywhere the Soul invites us to go.  Love that your life illustrates everything falls into place with perfect timing. We must learn patient.  Now, which dream truly motivates you to make new shifts?

My big dream is for a better world - not just a nice, fluffy one, like that described in storybooks - but a world of real Unity and Harmony. I believe we are anchoring the seeds of that in Now, with each of our heart felt activities, a world that is slowly evolving and unfolding before us.

The dream of creating and living in a better world of course, invites us, as Gandhi echoes, to be the change we wish to see.  So often, people are taught to focus on changing the external, but that turns out to be ineffective.  Please be more specific about your personal vision.

Sure! I see authenticity as heartfelt living, coming from within, not being ego-driven.  This translates into finding our own unique voices and celebrating them.  My personal vision is unfolding in the evolving programs at the Dreamweaving Meditation and Counselling Centre.

How is your view of success changing?

Ego-driven success is purely self-centered. Heartfelt living takes shape in how we contribute to the wider world. Success here involves a balance, merging into a collective pool of authentic consciousness.

What you imply rings true.  Ego seeks to be loved in return while Soul simply loves without expectations. One common, widespread belief is we can be spiritual OR wealthy. As Henry Ford reminds us, 'Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right.'  Self-confidence is a powerful. The meaning of wealth varies and what people do with abundance also does.  You may be familliar with views on spiritual wealth alongisde this as well. 

As we each awaken at our own pace, our sense of wealth, abundance, and insight into our talents and how we wish to live, changes.  Individuals exist and function at differnet stages or levels of consciousness.

Could not agree more. NYT Best-selling author and teacher T. Harv Eker teaches one can be healthy, conscious and really rich.  He has helped over 1.5 million  people move closer to their goal of financial freedom. From his view, spirituality and wealth are only mutually-exclusive in the mind.

We are certainly far more than what we think. Moving from thinking to feeling-based living changes how we view ourselves and our priorities. As we discipline ourselves to do healing self-work and evolve individually, we,  as a consequence, raise the Collective Consciousness to that of Peace, Love and Oneness. THEN we will see ‘the New Earth,’ a beautiful New World.  It is in seeding THAT, that motivates me on a daily basis!

What an uplifting vision, that the New Earth emerges from a sense of heaven within ourselves. Widespread restlessness leads peopel to seek peace and tranquility.  Nina Goncharova wrote an inspiring book: Rainbow Earth: A Vision for the Future and Jose Arguelles envisioned a rainbow Bridge encircling Earth. Although unique, these visions point to awareness of the same core understanding of Love.  Imagine the world emerging as we all speak honestly about how we feel in the moment.

Wow! More people in harmony with themselves.

This brings us to your calling.  Tell us about the DreamWeaving Meditation & Counselling Centre. Why create it? What purpose and Who does it serve?

DreamWeaving is a communal, Sacred Space.  People come to feel safe to just stop, exhale, unload and detangle their thoughts and lives, to be the Observer and to allow me to lovingly ‘turn the runway lights on’ for them.  I guide them to see their OWN truth, their own Magnificence and still allow them to make their OWN choices, for their OWN life lessons, and to help them see that they DO have ALL that they need Within, that they came fully prepared and equipped for this life.

Share a piece of insight you find helps many.

We need only 'be Still and Quiet’ long enough to hear, and to then follow that intuition, for it is the Soul and it knows the way home. Sometimes life gets so busy and we get so distracted or overloaded that we can no longer tune into that ‘wee small voice Within’, and we just need someone to help us hear our own song again.  Stepping ‘off the merry-go-round’ and breathing is always possible to unburden and listen.

So, how would you describe your passion?

My Passion, my Purpose and my Joy… is seeing people have that ‘a-ha moment’, and to ‘awaken’… and then even better when they ‘pay it forward’… THIS fills my cup.

You may recall "My Cup Runneth Over" is a quote from the Hebrew Bible (Psalm 23:5) and means "I have more than enough for my needs.  You remind us we can each choose to see goodness and blessings, to see the cup half or more than half full, just as easily as half empty.

Let us in on some of your mentors.  Who are they? How do they guide you?

I have been blessed with many beautiful Mentors along the way, I firmly believe in the saying, “When the student is ready the Teacher arrives.” For it seems that when I have been at my spiritual hungriest, someone walks into my life that has all the right answers and wisdom, I have a ‘growth spurt’ and go on. One of those was moments was at age 11-12 when I was visited by Jesus Himself. In a moment of desperate loneliness, He heard my cry, sat with me, comforted me, and has walked with me ever since.

Anything else?

Another pivotal experience was when my husband was away at sea with the Navy, I was at home with 2 small children, with no money due to a pay mix-up, and had come to the end of our food supplies after breakfast one day, with no money and no-one to turn to. I had recently started visiting a local church and felt impressed to call one of the women on their phone register and go around for kids playdate. I also felt impressed not to mention any word of our dire situation, just to trust. So after a lovely day with this lady and her friend who visited also, several cups of tea and a lovely fruit platter, a fun day for the kids, (who also were provided with a sumptuous afternoon tea), as we were leaving her husband arrived home and after a few moments I was asked if I could ‘please take home the fish he had caught today as they already had a freezer full and didn’t need them”… imagine my relief - at the eleventh hour, once again, my trust was rewarded… not only did our pay come in to the bank account the next day, but also - we had beautiful fresh red emperor and sweet lip for WEEKS. 

This touching example reminds us that the more we trust, the more the universe comes through, the more we have reason to strength and deepen our trust in life and the unknown. 

My life has been a series of these types of experiences, challenges, stretching of my faith and trust, and often right at the last moment a bounty arrives… so, as the old saying goes… “I walk by faith not by sight.” “I LIVE this stuff!” THIS is why the Universe uses me to teach this principle.

What advice would you offer people in the process of responding to huge changes in their lives? 

Change is motion, movement is good. There is a beautiful saying, 'The comfort zone is a wonderful place, but nothing ever grows there.'

Embrace change, allow it to have it’s perfect work in you. Look for the gift - there ALWAYS IS one.  Hang in there - never give up on your dreams.

How can you relate?

Based on my experience, with wisdom, discernment and great compassion, I would remind people that this is what they “dialled up” for themselves for this lifetime, and that they are exactly where they are meant to be, to look for the lesson and the beauty in every situation, to be flexible and to embrace change.  To change and grow, I call on my own life experiences to paint a picture of how life brings us the very experience we need for the evolving of our consciousness and personal empowerment. Nothing is ever wasted or for nothing - everything is our teacher. “Everything is Perfect.” Nothing is ‘right or wrong’, it “JUST IS.”  Release the need to control or to understand and just Trust and allow.

The power of acceptance and being non-judgemental is often underestiamted.  What prompts you to laugh and have fun?

It’s often the simplest little things… doing something silly or childlike, watching animals or children at play. Sometimes I just stretch my arms out and ‘fly’ down the supermarket aisles and giggle at people’s reactions, have a swing at the playground or dance in the rain. We’re WAY too concerned about the judgement and opinions of others. Don’t take yourself or life too seriously, lighten up… a wise lady once told me, “If it isn’t life threatening, don’t stress about it.” Enjoy your life.

What can you say about interacting with family and friends?

Spend quality time with them - they’ll keep you grounded! :) Make sure you take time out JUST FOR YOU!

Share one or more big challenges you have encountered and what you learned about yourself.

In the early days of our marriage, I used to get all het up about what ‘he’ was doing wrong, and all HIS faults and how ‘he’ should change, but after getting some very wise counsel I realized that ‘he’ was not my responsibility, and that ‘his’ journey was actually none of my business.  I could not change ‘him’, I could only change MYSELF… and that over the years, as I did that, as I did the self-work, ‘he’ and all those around me often but not always, changed also, or at least responded differently… even at a sub-conscious level, they reacted more positively.

How is your sense of gifts and blessings changing?

Over a lifetime I now know that ‘he’ is my gift, my balance, my teacher and the catalyst that I have always needed to mirror to me and prompt me to see in myself, that which needed working on… and I am now grateful not resistant or resentful.

Share your greatest lesson learned to this point in your life.

The greatest lesson I have ever learned is that, “Everything is Perfect”, to release the need to control or to understand, and that regardless of what the outside picture looks like in any given moment, that there is a powerful work of metamorphosis going on INSIDE, and to trust and to ALLOW this process to have it’s perfect way… and that NOBODY else’s life was my business… hands off! Because by interfering, I might just be depriving them of the very catalyst experience they needed to make a better choice in their life… you never know what’s going on the inside… remember the butterfly story… don’t try cutting butterflies out of their cocoons, you might disable them - or worse!

The metaphore of ourselves each undergoing the metamophosis is very powerful and humbling.  After all, a caterpillar does not consciously know what is happenign, it simply surrenders to the transformation unfolding, allows turning into the chrysalis, and liquid form before becoming the butterfly.  That it is to only live a brief time does not evoke fear. The insect simply lives moment-to-moment in joy, not fear, a valuable lesson to us all.

What's something you're really proud of? Why?

My Children. Both adults now and with their own families, I have watched them grow and go through life and emerge the amazing parents and people that they are. Scarred and wounded, but wiser for it all, I have seen them both bloom into beautiful, strong people… still with a long way to go, but with an amazing start. Makes my heart glow.

Anything else stand out here?

Doing volunteer work - paying it forward. I’ve immensely enjoyed working the Entry Gate at the Conscious Life Festival and the Discovery Festivals each year, as well as other things I like to be a part of as they come up.  

I love the theme of what you describe here. It reminds me of the inspiring movie Pay it Forward as well as what people in communities across the globe are intuitively doing because it feels right. When disaster strikes, people drop everything to help strangers not because they have to, but because they can.


Tell us about one or more mood or mind- altering experiences that shifted your focus and priorities.

Almost losing my Son in a motorbike accident back in 1999. Learning that I could not control things, nor shield him from life’s experiences. That there comes a time when you, as a parent, have to “take your hands off” and ‘let them go’, trust them to the Universe and allow them to lead their own lives, have their own experiences, learn their OWN lessons and live out their OWN purpose… and to trust in that.

If you discovered the opportunity to live forever (immortality), would you want this? 

We DO. I believe in reincarnation and that life is simply a serious of ‘acts’ in an ongoing ‘stageplay’… we just re-enter ‘stage right’ in a new ‘costume’ (body), with a new script (life),  and start again.

I LOVE that we get to work on each lifetime or facet of our eternity, authentically, (via the spiritual amnesia upon each incarnation.) The lessons are profoundly deep and immensely fulfilling.  I’d much rather do it like this, in bits, than all at once in one long lifetime.

Indeed. So many views and visions exist about immortality.  A lingering feeling, intuition and also recurrent vision in future (hynotherapy and breathwork) regressions is that humans are evolving from physica carbon body to crystalline form.  This would definitely prompt review or discarding of physical time and complete transformation in the nature of existence!

What advice would you wish to leave with our audience?

Let your dreams direct your sails, listen to your own intuition and FOLLOW THAT… be like a leaf on the water in the flow of life, don’t fight the ‘current’, do not be ‘distracted by glitter’, the demands, expectations and opinions of others, (no matter how well meaning they may be)… and do not allow the fears of others to extinguish your inner fire! JUMP AT EVERY GOOD OPPORTUNITY & LIVE WITH NO REGRETS!  Tomorrow isn’t promised. Life is not a dress rehearsal - LIVE IT TO THE FULL!

Reflecting and living life more fully in the moment is certainly something we can all benefit from doing and being.

NO-one knows the answers to all the questions and the guidance that you seek, but YOU… it is all Within - go there… seek the silence and the wisdom of the Presence Within… TRUST THAT EVERYTHING YOU NEED WILL COME TO YOU AT THE PERFECT TIME… and above all - ENJOY THE JOURNEY, EVERY MOMENT OF IT!!!

 Any quotes stand out?

A favorite quote of mine is:

“I alone cannot change society for the better. But I can radically transform my OWN Consciousness,

overturning the conditioning that limits my potential. We can all do this, one by one.

Over time we can change ourselves to the degree that society changes from the inside out… Giving birth

to a new way of being. Manifesting our birthright of living in a peaceful and abundant world. Have no fear.

Trust yourself. Live your full potential.”

 Thanks so much Diana for this mind-blowing conversation.  You raise lots of issues that resoante deeply.

Add anything else you wish.

Here at DreamWeaving we offer “Intuitive Colouring Mornings”, Journey-Boarding Workshops, LifeBook Workshops (for keeping you in step with Moon Phases, Important Dates, Astrology, Numerology and much more), Oracle Reading Workshops, Ajna Light Therapy (Activating the 3rd Eye & DMT type experiences), WayShower Counselling and Liquid Crystal Therapy. Read more on our Facebook pages: Diana Sandalwood  and  DreamWeaving Meditation & Counselling Centre

We are located at 29 Arthur Street, Woody Point and Diana can be reached on 0412 429920.

Encourage everyone to connect and deepen relationships, make their own heartfelt contributions to the world and create lasting impact.


Interview with Alison Clarke-Daly

More people are discovering this life is about creating and pushing boundaries, as well as allowing those we outgrow to dissolve.  Our individual journeys invite growing conscious of gifts we are destined to share with the world.  Along the way, everyone we meet is a teacher.

In this light, meeting Alison Clarke-Daly is sheer delight! She is founder of IntoFreedom, esoteric acupuncturist, workshop facilitator, yoga instructor and so much more. She offers service and interactive Solstice gatherings that enrich the general public.  Feel very privileged that she makes time in her reality to share highlights of her Soul journey into cutting edge Healing Arts.

For the benefit of readers unfamiliar with your work, please share some milestones that stand out your life that helped you deepen insight into yourself.

I am a baby-boomer born in the South Island of New Zealand and the most southern of rural plains.  My parents are farmers, life was good and uncomplicated. The second child of seven, the first girl of two, which means I have five brothers and a sister. I loved my horse, the sheep, the land and the bush behind us. I grew up safe, wild and free although female in a male world it didn’t really occur to me to be subservient to the social norms.  My teenage years were different. I knew in my heart I had to leave. The growth that I needed was not available in the local environment. Although I did not know what that growth was. I just knew I had to leave.  So, in late 1965, I booked a flight to Sydney with two other girlfriends. A big city!! I was 17. I met my boyfriend and to be husband and travelled to Cairns. Not something that I would feel safe for my own daughter to do now! We have a son. Now he has three sons. 

After the journey to meet your husband, any specific travel experience that really wakes you up, shows you what you are truly made of and accelerates the journey inward for you?

We travelled to Manchester, U.K., and returned three years later, driving overland from England to Australia. One cannot travel like this now. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran are not considered safe. It was hair-raising, life-transforming for me. This travel developed a ferrel, survival instinct, confirmed my innate ability to trust myself.

This story certainly reveals a spontaneous, thrill-seeker within who was primed to get your attention.  Seems to guide the next stage of your life purpose. Can still feel the adrenalin flowing.

Which specific pivotal moments led you into the Healing Arts?

The pivotal moments and experiences that lead to my work now were present in my earlier life, I just did not notice them initially. Horse riding and freedom as a child developed trust in my sense of feel. My spiritual training was church on Sundays. At that point in my life however, I considered this outing a waste of time and of no value. Travelling and leaving home early supported confidence and courage in following my own path.  Organic food and clean water of my childhood built a strong body that worked well. Limitations were opportunities for adventure. My education gave me the ability to learn outside the square and knowledge that I would not and did not have to conform. I am grateful to have grown up without alcohol, drugs, violence, TV or medications. I do miss the natural silence.  Music from the external world can be a distraction and guide us in different directions if we allow it.

Please share some of the major obstacles you have encountered in your life and how you have dealt with them. Which lessons do you learn and take away?

As I turned 40, my marriage dissolved. Our son was grown and playing AFL football for the Sydney Swans. I am sorry my son, I was not a very good football mother. I was relatively secure financially, I was at the top of the field in my corporate work, had started and supported a business, yet nothing in my personal life gave me joy. I was blaming my husband for my dissatisfaction and that was not a good thing. He did not have my answers. My unhappiness was my issue to explore and resolve.  This was the early 1990’s.   I moved out of my marriage, bought my own house. Split it in two and rented the front half. I joined a Yoga class. I learnt to meditate. I discovered that I had choice. This understanding totally floored me, for I discovered that until now I had lived in rebellion and in response to others. Just like my Mum!! Bless her.

It is said the term ‘mid-life crisis’ is like a life-changing opportunity to make unresolved emotions conscious and heal them. In other words, a person reaches stages in life where it hits energetically that certain emotions have not been dealt with.  We always have choices to recognize and make necessary shifts within ourselves or not.  As you discover, true happiness is not linked to external people, places or things.  Choice is a powerful revelation on the path to personal empowerment. How did this shift in mindset re-orient you?

Choice is one thing. To know what one wants is another! In a meditation where I had set myself to asking, “What should I do now?”  The reply was in capital letters as big as the sky “BE”.   Just “BE”.  For a doing person, BEING is confusing. Confusion or chaos is the beginning of clarity and order. However, I found confusion painful, depressing and I felt vulnerable until I surrendered to trust. This meant I had to move from my rational mind to my Heart.  To trust my heart’s desire or discern the Whisper of my Heart which is how I come to live, teach and practice as an Advanced Energy Healer with Esoteric Acupuncture and other tools. 

 So, you might say your destiny as a healer found you?

I never set out of be a Healer, Practitioner or teacher. I set out to heal myself. Carolyn Myss’s work led me to explore my desire “to be of service” as opposed to subservient. I studied Yoga.  I wanted to explore the discipline not teach. However, I began to teach. Yoga led me stillness and teaching from the Heart. I studied Shiatsu which expanded my innate ability of clairsentience and the knowledge to feel Qi or Energy. I become a Practitioner. Shiatsu led me to Japanese Acupuncture, Manaka Protocols, ToyoHari Practice and Aromatherapy. All led me to study and practice Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing and the meeting of Dr Mikio Sankey. I feel amazed and honoured with the privilege of sharing the power of Dr Mikio’s treatments and the teaching of other Light Workers and Energy Healers.


What is Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing and how does this differ from Traditional Acupuncture and Chinese medicine?

Esoteric Acupuncture expands consciousness. As we expand in consciousness we begin to expand our fields of awareness and our senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and prophecy or knowing. The fields of the Heart strengthen.  We grow more still, certain, find that more grace, love, wisdom, forgiveness, gratitude, clarity, joy and compassion is available and indeed our birth right.  The puzzle piece or path of one’s life becomes clearer more certain.

Love that energy-based healing modalities are growing more widely available.  This emergence of options signals more of humanity is awakening, beginning to recognize everything is energy first. Shifts in consciousness guide us to tap into more inner confidence, to notice expanding opportunities and new ways to view and grow ourselves.

From your direct experience, how does Esoteric Acupuncture benefit clients?

When one is working with Traditional Acupuncture the purpose is to increase or decrease the flow or the amount of Qi in the body’s meridians. Create balance, an equilibrium or wholeness in the mind and body.

In Esoteric Acupuncture, we are working on the Etheric Body and Etheric Qi. An acupuncture needle or other tool contacts a specific acupuncture point and this contact creates a Spin Field. The Spin Field is as a gateway or vortex, the needle or tool acts as an antenna for connection to Higher Fields of consciousness through to All Fields. In many meditation practices this is referred to as Nirvana or Christ Consciousness. In each treatment of Esoteric Acupuncture a New Encoding Pattern is introduced to ones Fields of Consciousness. Creating new geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) which with clarity and intention support and expand the Fields of the Heart and allow the benefits mention above to become consciously conscious.

Many kinds of initiaties and initations exist. How does work you do awaken the initiate within?

Esoteric means that which is hidden or known to few, the Initiate or Initiated. Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing brings into form and allows Knowing of the Esoteric or the Mysteries as the church refers to something that cannot be explained.

The New Encoding Pattern of Discern the Whisper of the Heart which is shown in the drawing attached shows something of the ease and complexity of a pattern, the sequencing of points and the geometric pattern. Ancient Wisdoms, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, Acupuncture Points which are known as Windows of the Sky, Celestial, Heavenly or Gateway points are connected with intention and active mental energy of visualisation expanding the Heart and Higher Heart Fields. Often clients can sense their wings. The energetic wings of the Heart.


Who is Dr Mikio Sankey and how does meeting him shape your life direction into the advanced healing arts?


Dr Mikio Sankey is the founder of Esoteric Acupuncture and I met him in Los Angeles when I sought treatment to experience this work. I had read all his publications and Knew that I wanted to experience his work.  The story is in on my web page. 

I am honoured and humbled that I teach Dr. Mikio’s work. I have found my ‘Spirit Path”. It as if I have remembered and many of those that I have taught say the same. The memory of the practice is almost tangible. I rest in the understanding that “this is my job”. That this life for me is about this journey and the sharing of the benefits of the expansion of consciousness to whoever wants to explore and Know. If I stand back and look at my life and the likely hood of our connection and the work we do. I say logically this is not possible. However, there is a place where logic becomes illogical and I step through that into BEING. And still I seek.

Who is Tom Ledder? How did you meet him and where do your paths cross?

Tom Ledder is a Master Light Worker and craftsman of Selenite Swords of Light. Selenite is an inert crystal and magnifier the hardware of a Sword of Light. The power of a sword is the software which is in the handle. The handle contains 230+ crushed crystals; holly waters collected from around the planet and set in resin. Tom met Dr Mikio, Mikio introduced to Tom.  I work with Tom and his swords. These swords act as tools as in a needle, as in an antenna to open and cleanse Fields and expand consciousness. They are as power if not more so than acupuncture needles. They install a New Encoded Pattern as cleanly and as effectively as a needle and there is no insertion through the skin which means that the constraints of skin penetration do not apply. 

Psychic surgery is growing more known. How would you compare this to the effects of Esoteric Acupuncture?

Psychic surgery is becoming more known. Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing is not psychic surgery. This does not mean that psychic surgery cannot be applied by a skilled practitioner at the same time. The purpose of Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing is to expand consciousness and the fields of the Heart so the Puzzle Piece or Heart Path of one’s present life becomes clear.

Do you notice any similarities in theory, practice and/or public reception to these techniques?

The people who come to me for healing or to learn this skill and lifestyle are already on a journey. They are looking to strengthen their own Inner Path. They meditate, eat cleanly, may practice some form of yoga, qigong or other spiritual practice such as building an Antahkarana. They are teachers or healers formally or informally. Already they have a Knowing, an understanding that there is an energetic form to our lives and we are more than the physical. They understand they are spiritual beings having a human experience and want to live to their fullest potential. They already know that intention, thought (both known and unknown), vibrations of sound and light influence the Fields of the Heart, auric, astral, mental, Buddhic and beyond. They are aware of other dimension and that being in touch with their Higher Self and Higher Heart is possible and desirable. They can sense this, know this, hear this or see this.   The increasing speed of time and light at this present time is not an accident and that their existence now is not an accident.

Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing is not a ‘doing-to’ treatment. It is an opening, expanding and empowering practice that a client has control of at all time. An Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing session can open gateways; however a client may or may not choose to explore them.

Why is it desirable to build an Antahkarana, a Rainbow Bridge or an Inner Spiritual Antenna? How do we do it?

It is desirable to build an Antahkarana, a Rainbow Bridge, a bridge of mental matter, also known as an Inner Spiritual antenna, because it builds geometric form in our Fields. Allows us to connect, develop the strength of knowing, seeing and awareness of the energy field of our Higher Heart. So that we can align, discern the Whisper of the Heart. BE. Enjoy.

Love the impact of allowing more geometry to come into my field. As I continue to see geometry, this energetic shift  within has transformed how I see, feel and understand myself. The result is indeed tangible and unique for each individual. Changes unfold in how we view the world and how we respond to what we create for ourselves.

Tell us about the "Antahkarana 3-6-1" meditation. Please share how it came to enter your reality.

Antahkarana is an Ancient Wisdom Esoteric knowing that much has been discussed about. However, it is only Dr Mikio Sankey in his book Sea of Fire Cosmic Fire, Esoteric Acupuncture Vol lV did I find a description of how to build an Antahkarana. It took great effort to do this, however it was from this effort that I found the will, the desire, the action to go to LA, seek Dr. Mikio and the do what I do today. I have written an eBook which clearly explains the practice including the how’s and why’s of connecting the 36+1 acupuncture points, create the geometric patterns and build an Antahkarana. The book is free to download from  

A 20minute CD audio guidance is also available on this site. 

The eBook and CD make building you own Antahkarana very possible. Well worth exploring and enjoying the benefits.

Winter Solstice is fast approaching.  I sense you have something special planned. Please share details of how you celebrate winter and summer solstices. What’s it about? Who can come?

Summer and Winter Solstice Ceremonies have been practiced by humanity for eons. I make this ceremony a special time to celebrate and set direction for the coming cycle. There is no cost and it is open to all. I create a space that is both personal and private yet within a group environment. The process is a guided meditation followed by the invitation to bring into form through writing a list of thoughts and experiences that no longer serve you.  This list is ceremonially cleansed through fire and we return to meditate into stillness and proceed to bring into form through writing a list of thoughts and experiences that will serve you. This list is kept until the next solstice ceremony.

The ceremony is an adventure, a joy, a confirmation of one’s journey especially when one reads what was paramount in one’s life six months ago.

 When is the next such event? What other gatherings do you host?

Summer and Winter Solstice Ceremony is a gift to all who wish. It is my way of giving back. Summer or Winter Ceremony start at 7.30pm on the 21st December and 21st June each year. To join us email

Very generous of you to open your heart and space to welcome those with whom this event resonates. Encourage readers to get in touch with you about this and the Summer Solstice event.

What is the AACMA and why is it significant about the upcoming AACMA event in the Gold Coast?

 AACMA stands for Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association. Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing was presented for the first time in May 2018 at the National Conference. The presentation highlighted the difference between Esoteric Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.

Who is Dr. Steven Booth and how did you collaborate in this recent AACMA event?

Dr Steven Booth and I invited conference attendees to experience the difference between Traditional and Esoteric Acupuncture (Advanced Energy Healing) We gave 20minute sessions to many. This was very well received resulting in plans for workshops in Sydney and the opportunity to attend FOUNDATION Level l & ll, a 4- day workshop on the Gold Coast in July.

That feels very exciting for you and the future of Esoteric Acupuncture. Why is it important that more people grow aware of human energetic fields and energy anatomy? How does this relate to the ongoing shifts in consciousness?

More and more people are becoming aware of our energetic fields.  We are beginning to understand that we are but light and information. That spiritual or energy fields are not religious and are subject to our thoughts and environment. That wisdom is power and consciousness does expand, and that the expansion of our primary senses is our birthright. It is not just a special gift it is our own right and power to heal, forgive, love, find our Heart Path. Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing is a skill and treatment that opens the doors and allows you to make your own way on your Heart Path whatever that might BE.

Being Here Now is the simplest Way yet often viewed as the hardest .  As Henry Ford reminds us, "Whether we think life is easy or hard, we prove ourselves right."

What do you envision is happening within and around you since immersing yourself in advanced energy healing practices?

For me the journey from the farm, a kiwi kid to the honour and privilege of teaching and treating individuals, witnessing their growth and the joy of that is a miracle in itself.   My skills and the ability in my senses, clarity of mind and intuition along with the gentle loving certainty of Wisdom as opposed to harsh constraint of righteousness is a humbling exciting experience. I am infinitely grateful for the adventure of my life. Still I seek.

What advice or information would you like to leave with our readers?

I encourage you to seek a practitioner of Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing. There will be someone in your State. Consider building your Antahkarana and see what wisdom that that practice unfolds. Do a workshop. The Foundation Level l & ll is open to all. You do not have to be an Acupuncturist or a Practitioner.  The workshop will teach you how to find the acupuncture points and open the spin fields and how to envisage geometric patterns, install New Encoding Patterns and how to expand consciousness and the Fields of Your Higher Heart.    Workshops are in different States although the base is in Melbourne. The next ESOTER ACUPUNCTURE Advanced Energy Healing Workshop FOUNDATION Level l &ll is on the Gold Coast at the end of July. All details are on

To book your place for the FOUNDATION Level l & ll ESOTERIC ACUPUNCTURE Advanced Energy Healing Workshop on the Gold Coast

Book Here  


 Add anything else you feel would benefit Dreambuilders Australia Blog readers.

Most importantly, allow yourself to listen to intuition, as the heart guides you. Explore the IntoFreedom Website.

Selenite words of Light workshop and other details are on

I am of service. My number is 0422 845 105 I have a clinic in Boronia Victoria you can book online on

Thanks Alison Clarke-Daly, for all you do and all you are. Your story and your work are a gift to the world.  We appreciate your gifts and how you fearlessly move forward empowering others to grow conscious and live their dream.