5 Timeless Insights of Dale Pendell

The emerging theme of posts and interviews with herbalists, ethnobotanists, anthropologists, shamans and other plant gurus, is a friendly reminder we are all shamans coming into our own. One is not experiencing the ultimate metamorphosis without growing aware of the initially misunderstood or unrecognized within and about ourselves. Ah-ha moments are triggered in different ways. Check our related interview with Dr. Rick Strassman too.
It feels perfect to offer timeless insights shared by Dale Pendell (left his body January 2018). American author, ethnobotanist, and magician, he creatively combined science and poetry to describe the relationship and dialogue between psychoactive drugs and human beings. Among other works, he is known for the Pharmako Trilogy Series. These and his other books offer poetic delivery of knowledge that registers on deeper levels than can be directly accessed. Dale has been gifted to share in-roads to universal knowing. Ponder how you relate to these five timeless insights:
1. If you access inner magic, you are vulnerable to it.
Magic is a term used until that moment when more of the expansive energetic workings of universal consciousness is grasped and understood through direct experience. Its like magic guides unravelling the thread of yourself, encountering knots (perceived obstacles and personality), then moving along until you reach the end of the thread and finally, nothing. Being in a trance is the feeling of alignment, allowing one to see things as they are. So often, humans are trained to 'snap out of it' and shift unconsciously back into world of maya (illusion). The key is to be a conscious worldbridger. True Magic is not about rituals, spells, illusion or manipulation. Inner Magic is the Divine Science of Creation and mastering this is self-mastery.
2. Energy flows through everything and each substance is a song one can tune into
This implies every substance, whether perceived as legal or illegal, offers a key to accessing more of our own core vibration. Whatever we ingest is speaking to and through us as it flows, creating or breaking down blocks we create or imagine into being. In Dale's books, he masterfully shares different perspectives on plant substances as if each is alive and speaking musically to the Soul. Samples he explores include; Opium, Cannabis, Alcohol (beer, wine, distilled spirits), Absinthe, Salvia, Tobacco, Nitrous, Kava Kava, as well as fossil fuel, coffee, tea, chocolate, and coca (and its derivatives) and empathogens (notably Ecstasy). Water itself is pure or polluted and affectes consciousness at every level.
3. Our existence here rests on many lives who have gone before us
Many beings have lived, suffered, and died, those seen and unseen, known and unknown, including micro-organisms, plants and animals. All of it creates the air that we breathe, flows into the water we drink, merges with the light that sustains us, the soil and more. So every moment of existence is a gift of countless generations that have provided it.
4. True magic is not self-centred
Ego-driven endeavours do not allow one to experience the harmonious music of the universe. Call it the music of the spheres or what you choose. This requires surrender, like releasing a bird. Pendell shares that dangerous magic is when you’re trying to get something for yourself; that’s a binding magic. Recall the idiom "the goal is to free yourself from the ties that bind the mind.' The best unbinding magic is invisible, there’s nothing there that anything can catch or grasp it.
5. One does not have to ingest plant substances to communicate with them.
One can use plant substances as purifiers, offerings, in other capacities, and also commune with them in natural settings. This is why it is common to shift state of mind and state of being when spending time in nature. What is unfolding energetically is not always registered by the physical senses. Accessing altered states of consciousness allows one to encounter and interact with the Spirit World and channel these transcendental energies into ordinary reality. Plants can facilitate this process in a conscious individual yet tuning into yourself is also possible. To be truly aware is to commune with everything consciously now.
Reader Comments (2)
2) On one level, everything we see is alive and changing and is comprised of spirit. The soul however can be looked at as being changeless or an empty vessel to be filled by the spirit one conjures or addresses or ingests or brings into focus into one's field of awareness. One could say that such spirits are using the human vessel to see themselves from new angles and perspectives of being and is using the human condition to evolve its sense of self into new forms. Those that can hear such spirits speak will follow their directives and directions to tinker with their dna and how they view their relationships to other entities in the environment, thereby bridging new potential into their daily existence. Seen in this way, the soul is a god that other organisms pray to for specific changes to occur in their live stream of reality. If the soul is empty and can be filled with spirit, then the spirits that humans hold onto creates the behaviors that humans perform and undertake. Humans therefore are vessels possessed by a unique collection of spirits which thereby creates a very specific personality type. If a human were to forgive and let go and purge all such spirits through intent and meditation or through purgatives such as ayahausca, then one essentially can empty themselves of trapped spirits not yet processed and taken to heart, where an individual can take a quantum leap consciously into new realities by summoning designer spirits to wear and to act out and to combine with other ingestion's.
3) One could say that the species that are seen on earth are here because they have not been fully loved and accepted for who they are. They exist as ghosts until they can be shown the light which means that the collective of humanity must stop grasping at their existence, stop being emotionally disturbed or excited by their presence, and must be fully loved and processed into one's heart so that they can change and evolve and transition back fully into spirit where they initially emerged. One could say that something only evolves when we begin to see it differently or therefore see our sense of self and identity differently. If we resonate on a new level, then such frequencies will merge and infiltrate the systems of others and will modify their dna to express new traits and qualities as a direct reflection to one personal and or collective field of humanity.
4) Everyone one see's or experiences is the result of magic and spellings by scribes such as ourselves. How you spell out the world and feel it to be true makes it so. Magic creates possession scenarios. People feel possessed to do things and act out in certain ways, but it is only because such spells summoned spirits that are said to be in possession of human beings. However, this is inaccurate in that it is the ego identity that has taken charge of spirits and will not relinquish control of them until one fully matches the speed of their naturally occurring resonance fields or combines them with other spirits to satisfy an intent to create a new form by weaving together frequencies and knowledge to tell and release a new story into an evolving world of changing conditions or a shift in self conditioning.
5) If one is physically oriented or believes themselves to be true to form... then such personality types typically must ingest physical objects to get to the essence of their true underlying spirits and identities. By doing so, one gives life and experience to the cellular, molecular, and atomic levels of being where worlds within worlds are effected by the decisions created at other layers of being. However, if one believes themselves to be spirits or souls or nothing or everything, then one is essentially unspelling the physical world and lightens its already heavy load.
"For what is a disciple? He is one who seeks to learn a new rhythm, to enter a new field of experience, and to follow the steps of that advanced humanity who have trodden ahead of him the path, leading from darkness to light, from the unreal to the real.”
― Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic
“Initiation, or the process of undergoing an expansion of consciousness, is part of the normal process of evolutionary development, viewed on a large scale, and not from the standpoint of the individual.”
― Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human & Solar: Unabridged