How do you put meaning into life?
Human beings give themselves reason for every thought, feeling and action. In the same moment, the heart knows existence is already whole. That is, being requires no justification and true purpose does not require words. Which thoughts are capturing your attention now?
From the view of the mind, meaning is found and even given to individual experiences. The mind thinks about things and often misses the 'the big picture.' Watch what happens as you connect experience with knowledge and beliefs. Physical existence takes shape through direct experience and awareness. Which feelings enrich your life at this moment?
Notice how the mind instills meaning into life. How do you actually put meaning into life? Ponder what makes you think meaning is important. Reflect on these points for fun;
1) Be aware people claim to find their own answers about the meaning of life or sense failure.
2) Recognize the ego mind limits your point of view
3) Explore the scientific perspectives that appear to influence your valuing process.
4) Know that inner knowing is anchored in something beyond verifiable, human terms.
5) Sense purpose is forever expanding based on loving and expressing compassion.
6) Realize attitude is malleable and a stepping stone to being receptive to inner power.
7) Image how life unfolds as you accept intrinsic value exists in all conditions.
8) Know awareness is not created. It simply is.
Reader Comments (6)
Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
You provoke great thoughts and gentle probing in this post -- I'm grateful.