Is duality really a figment of your imagination? has started a thread on duality and tagged this blog. What does duality mean to you? How does your sense of awareness orient itself?
Some people get wrapped up in the idea of separation from the original Source, that is, where they came from. This belief suggests that separation from Higher Forces is what leads you to come up with concepts like positive and negative, good and bad, and other oppositions. Can you readily explain why you feel torn between feeling open and closed?
If you take the stance that you create veils of illusion of reality, then you may also believe life is about learning to remove those veils. Let's say you create layers of them, as the result of external conditioning. In order to work through what makes sense, you discard veils and replace them, then remove others. When will you reach your core?
Sorting through ideas about duality brings you face-to-face with your ego, conscious and subconscious. They may each be sending you different messages. You discover you choose between love and fear. Which part of your perceived reality will you believe?
Reader Comments (8)
Liara, I am so blessed by your blog, I have added you to my blogroll. Thank you for your faithful service to the world.
Concise, timely, and well-said. I appreciate your participation in the synchroblog project. Moreover, I'm grateful for your vision.
I hope you enjoy it!