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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in wisdom (33)


The time is ripe

The time is ripe for triggering revelations within yourself.  Ancient wisdom resurfaces much like inner knowing when humanity and individuals are responsible, receptive to it and ready to work with it on a practical level.   Reflect on what you are willing to receive and integrate it into everyday living.  No such thing as coincidence. No chance encounter, experience or relationship exists.  Be open to synchronicity.  This is one.


Tap into the source of wisdom

Life is what you make of it or no-thing.  The dream you build for yourself begins and ends in the mind. The mind can be trained to choose consistently that which cannot be seen. This unseen is recognized as truth and experienced as the only real option.

What if you have a source you can consult to guide you that is always available and always right? Guess what? You do.

When you are in touch with your spiritual side, you are in touch with the source of infallible wisdom. This is the source of divine inspiration.  In this moment, it is the reliable source of a constant supply of answers that guide you to what is best for you and everyone else. It is that part of being that knows you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and can only ever be in the right place at the right time.

Ultimately, your experience matters, not what you do or where you go.  Everything is an opportunity to reveal the ego as it is so you can see through it.  Healing your own mind is recognizing there is nothing to fix.  This revelation also helps the collective mind. This is getting closer to the perfection you experience already right where you stand. To say you are satisfied implies something other than fulfillment exists. Only happiness, peace and wholeness do.  You embody them now. Accepting this is being happy wherever you are, taking joy in all that you do, and being in awe of yourself.


The gift that keeps on giving

This holiday season, many people are overwhelmed about what to give others as a gift.  Watch what happens as you give the gift of yourself, that is your time, your effort, compassion and acceptance. Discover why giving the gift of love is the gift that keeps on giving.  What goes around comes around.  

Giving freely of yourself is being open to receive gestures of love from unexpected sources.  As you truly love, you make choices with heartfelt insight.  Being honest with yourself is doing the right thing.  Love and accept love in all forms seen and unseen.  Recognize all everyone does invites you to love.

Take life to new levels.  See love as the new currency.  You are creating and living a love-propelled economy.  Here, mutual appreciation nurtures and sustains all.  Love is a gift. Discover you are the gift you give yourself.


What are you looking for?

As you participate in this world, you are invited to explore all the sensations and delights you can imagine. This gives life to the dream. Discover what you are truly looking for.

1) Appreciate the element of surprise. Notice you cannot consciously surprise yourself. Yet, it is through jolts of surprise that the most life-changing experiences unfold. Surprises are priceless. Who is the knower- creator of all surprises? Who is the experiencer? 

2) Listen to a sound. The whole point of mantra is that they mean nothing. The idea of repeating what is senseless is to liberate you from the notion that the universe means anything. 

3) Be open to Satori. Be totally selfish or continually altruistic and you come to realize you only come to realize yourself through the other. He that loses himself, finds himself. He that would save his life, would lose it. Revelations all point to the same message. Life is a teacher.


Walk the path

Every experience you choose is part of your journey.  Allow it.  Unfold it.  Savour it.  If you want to know something, walk the path knowing you create it with divine insight and love.  Tune in.  You connect with an ongoing energetic journey shared by all.  The wider you is choosing what is now.  See what happens as you journey deeper into yourself.  Notice patterns in your life.

Allow yourself to step back and recognize when you resist your life.  Notice if you judge, fight or attempt to solve any puzzle in your midst.  The path is all you.  Let go of destinations.  Experience what its like to be outside linear time.  Allow pressures and limitations to fall away. Release what you have been holding. Tune in to the resonance of your own being. The heart is always open. Use the energy to be on your own journey.

This is about mastery and sovereignty. No reason to worry about what is coming.  Its all you. Take what resonates, integrate it, explore feeling more wholeness, to know all is always well.  Explore what you choose. Keep the experience flowing. The nature of being is ever-changing and expanding freedom.  You bring together, bridge, all things.  Be willing to walk through the vessel of yourself.  Trust yourself and all that you are creating.  Its all a gift of love and wisdom.

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