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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in universe (37)


Augment your reality

Imagine for a moment that everything about existence is about augmenting or expanding upon your reality. The more you let go of limitation, the more you are willing to embrace what is always here and available to you.

What if you could experience any timeline or level of reality you choose within the universe? What if you already are and are catching up with other versions of you? Revitalize being.

From the moment you challenge ingrained notions and parameters of fear, death and duality, everything changes.  Who you are and why you exist, is all up for review. 


5 Tips to Identify what you want

Before you can determine whether someone else can assist you on your journey, you need to be willing to help yourself. You are creating the parameters, the road you wish to travel. Someone can help you decode aspects of this road, but you need to bravely decide what you want to do along the way.  Here are 5 tips to help you identify what you want;

1) Give yourself some quiet time- take steps to reflect on shifts or transitions unfolding in your life, listen with the heart and feel the messages.  They are gifts you give yourself.

2) Pay attention to thoughts and feelings- you constantly give yourself messages but habits and conditioning may block seeing the subsconsious reasons you do things. 

3) Be alert to your relationships- what sorts of people do you attract and alienate? Who are you in a hurry to get away from? Who makes you feel at ease? Each human, animal (or other) guides you to see what you want more clearly.

4) Decode your priorities- are you devoting most or all of your time to something you love or, do you bide your time? Some people are talkers, others doers, still others focus on allowing the universe to make it happen.  Which are you? 

5) Note the power of spontaneity- when you are drawn to something without doubt or analysis and do not attempt to talk yourself out of it, you know you are following the positive power of the universe in the form of spontaneity.  This is a sign you are on the right track, doing what brings more joy.


Notice the forces of nature

Whatever you are experiencing in your life at this moment, it empowers you to notice the forces of Nature. That is, the energy that drives you, heat, light, electricity, electromagnetism, strong and weak forces, and gravity, all emerge from the mind of nature of the mind of the wider universe.  

As you step back, you can allow yourself to recognize that the Unified Field (of energy) is the consciousness of Nature and the material universe is the body of Nature. So, what does this reveal about yourself, how you view the world, your apparent problems or challenges? How does this help you?

Your thoughts and mind are simply a different manifestation of the same forces of Nature you call energy, light, electro-magnetism, gravity and others. Your body is a different manifestation of the same body you call the universe.

In other words, you are the thinker, the thought, the spoken and written word and the flesh that express every perception.  You are the creator of every situation you find yourself in and you create every encounter and condition to help yourself.  The key point for reflection is not what are you doing, but why are you doing it, which lessons are available to grow, and how is the wider universe benefitting from your experience? The big eureka moment is discovering you are the universe pretending to be human for a while.

 “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”- Nikola Tesla


Review common sense

Review your view of common sense. This is nothing more than a set of collective beliefs or prejudices that evolves based on widespread acceptance.  Notice where you refer to common sense, resonate with it or not. Notice where you think and feel in ways that disconnect or alientate you from common sense. This births of your own uniqueness. Notice to what degree you accept and explore or resist and reject yourself. 

Imagine you are energy, and the universe. You do not find intelligent organisms living in an unintelligent environment.  A rose bush in a garden produces rose bushes.  A tree in a forest produces pinecones.  Energy in the universe produces people.  We emerge in the world like vegetation births new life in Nature. In this way, we are one in the same.

That is, you may view yourself as arising from the world or the light from which all things begin.Everything depends on the attitude you take towards the world. If you ground your thinking in common sense, that is common view of what is possible, accepted and real, you limit yourself and do not allow self to realize potential and see the bigger picture. If however, you relish the flow and evolution of life, opportunity and dreams, all is always unfolding perfectly. All is well already. Expanding senses are not always consciously recognized.  Awareness of what is arises when one is receptive.

Recognize though, that you do not have to see something to make it real.  What is real for one person may feel more or less real to another.  Imagine self-acceptance is common.


Its all a sign

Sign of the moment.  Sign of the times.  Signs are everywhere.  Do you notice the signs?

As you open the senses, you grow aware that every roadsign, food name or label, license plate, book cover, billboard, bumpersticker, T-shirt, and cloud formation, is simply another sign to guide you in life.  If you keep running into certain people, or always feel good when engaged in some activity, this is more than sheer coincidence.  If snags keep arising in a business deal you are working to finalize, its a sign.  Pay attention to little events in life and the bigger picture. 

I recall how the universe showed me I no longer needed to wear a wristwatch. On three separate occasions, its battery seemed to stop.  Each time I took it to the watchmaker to replace the battery, the watch started working again and I was told I did not need a new battery. Go figure!?

As I tapped into deeper awareness, I knew this was not really about the watch or battery. Rather, it was a message to stop allowing perceived time and rigid schedules to control me. As I gave up wearing a wristwatch, I almost magically detached from certain ways of living. This gesture reduced stress, allowed me to open my heart to greater spontaneity and a new leash on life.

As you reflect on signs in your life, what is the universe suggesting? As you recognize you are the universe, what are you inviting yourself to recognize? Trust the intuition.  It always knows.