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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in universe (37)


Trust the natural flow

Notice what happens from the moment you feel everything has a purpose or lesson.  You are in the right place for what you are ready to see.  Notice how it feels to know no wrong place, no mistakes or wrong timing exist. The essence of being sees only perfect timing.  As you trust the natural flow, you never feel the urge to justify anything to anyone.  You stay balanced with the core of what is, that is who you truly are.  Whatever is said about you no longer affects you.  Whatever you perceive is unfolding in external worlds fades. Nothing more can be said, for everything points here, now.

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." - Johann W. von Goethe 


Be the compassionate universe  

Be aware that energy creates reality.  Be aware of what is real.  You nurture what you see with thoughts and emotions. Nature remains as you let go of all that is nurtured. Go within. Feel connected to everyone and everything and the truth reveals itself.  You exist to evolve your consciousness.  Notice whether you listen to the heart (intuition). Allow yourself to be in the empty space that exists within the heart. Be that in silence.

Consider what happens from the moment you choose to live in empathy, to help, serve or empower others with love and appreciation. You begin to sense what it feels like to do the right thing and intuitively do it. You begin to go deeper within yourself and know the universe you are.  Interconnected universes are held together with compassion. You are the fabric of everything that has ever existed and all that is in this moment.  All that is unfolding invites you to let go of what stands in the way of accepting the real you.

"I allow my intuition to lead my path." - Manuel Puig 


Allow yourself to go

Allow yourself to go wherever you need to go and know you are supported.  In this moment, you access the energy of the universe.  You consciously take advantage of this or not.  Life force you harness from different dimensions is meant to be shared.  Imagine yourself as a universe with universes extending from you. Know you are already beyond expectations of mind.  Inner magic is unfolding to reveal the perfect life.

You are the message, the messenger and the bridge between the known and unknown.  Active energies are the conduit or a kind of magic carpet.  As you see and feel active energies, there is no turning back.  The physical shifts not because mind desires it but because things come in from nowhere that are perfect for you now. 

"If we want things to stay as they are [in unseen reality], things will have to change [in our perception]." -  Giuseppe di Lampedusa


Decode the secret of the universe

As you read here, you are ready to click the link below to watch a five part series that may rock your world. It may fundamentally change how you see what is going on around you and within.  In essence, it lays out how we actually live in a holographic universe. So, the reality you are taught to believe and struggle to fit into does not exist.

As you come to sense everything comes down to an electromagnetic impulse, you may be compelled to research further.  Do what feels right. If what you find does resonate, you may ask how you could you be so accepting to take it all in and what could possibly be next? You are not the only one. When you ask, answers are given.

As you awaken to a version of the truth that defies what is designed by the mind, you may wonder who can fix it.  This is only because your points of reference or grounding are projected by the mind and you are conditioned to fear what is beyond mind.  The real solution invites you to deepen connections with people around you.  Call it a dream if you choose, but there is more to your current perceived existence that the left brain and five senses reveal. This is already proven by Science, but it is rarely within conscious awareness of majority of poulation. People tend to turn a blind eye. You? 

The external world shares its secrets about matter through vibration.  Research is beginning to reveal  water is picking up information in the world, sharing and perceiving this over time as we use water and interact in natural ecosystems. What happens as you discover everything is energy and you can shift your energetic state more consciously? What happens as you sense something has taken acttion to stifle your innate abilities or blocked your access to them? How? Why is this coming to your attention now? That is for you to discern. Everything has perfect timing.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -Nikola Tesla


Follow your impulses

You create the itinerary of your life.  Notice what happens as you follow your impulses. These are the inclinations that seem to pop into your head.  There is no logic to this.  If you analyze the impulse, you doubt your intuition, lose some of the momentum, the enthusiasm, and at least temporarily, shift focus. Why take the wind out of your sails?

Take a moment.  Recall instances when you impulsively changed a travel itinerary or schedule or, the universe unfolded in such a way as to do this for you.  Who did you meet along the way that you would not have met otherwise? What kinds of experiences come your way because you are open and flexible in the moment?  How does your life change as you allow and see what the universe presents through you right now? 

In essence, everything is available to you or not based on the degree you allow or resist. As an energy being, you vibrate different frequencies, connect with people and situations that match how you feel. Intuition is a guiding compass.  Emotions are a gauge. Stay focused and trust fully the infinite Cosmic Synchronicity you feel. 

"Most of us actually stifle enough good impulses during the course of a day to change the current of our lives." -William Moulton Marston