Review common sense

Review your view of common sense. This is nothing more than a set of collective beliefs or prejudices that evolves based on widespread acceptance. Notice where you refer to common sense, resonate with it or not. Notice where you think and feel in ways that disconnect or alientate you from common sense. This births of your own uniqueness. Notice to what degree you accept and explore or resist and reject yourself.
Imagine you are energy, and the universe. You do not find intelligent organisms living in an unintelligent environment. A rose bush in a garden produces rose bushes. A tree in a forest produces pinecones. Energy in the universe produces people. We emerge in the world like vegetation births new life in Nature. In this way, we are one in the same.
That is, you may view yourself as arising from the world or the light from which all things begin.Everything depends on the attitude you take towards the world. If you ground your thinking in common sense, that is common view of what is possible, accepted and real, you limit yourself and do not allow self to realize potential and see the bigger picture. If however, you relish the flow and evolution of life, opportunity and dreams, all is always unfolding perfectly. All is well already. Expanding senses are not always consciously recognized. Awareness of what is arises when one is receptive.
Recognize though, that you do not have to see something to make it real. What is real for one person may feel more or less real to another. Imagine self-acceptance is common.

Reader Comments (4)
Cole Sear: I see dead people.
Malcolm Crowe: In your dreams?
[Cole shakes his head no]
Malcolm Crowe: While you're awake?
[Cole nods]
Malcolm Crowe: Dead people like, in graves? In coffins?
Cole Sear: Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead.
Malcolm Crowe: How often do you see them?
Cole Sear: All the time. They're everywhere.
Its interesting... because Cole sees these people in another dimension... so to say. But I can use these exact same words to describe people in the third dimension. Their senses should be pointers to bring them to life... yet they ignore their senses. Its as if they are using comma sense where people have put a pause on what they are meant to interact with. Maybe their senses lie dormant in a coma.... but within the coma they are dreaming and they believe they are awake to their senses.... in that they are only resonating to the common rules and agreements of civilization... So if something has to do with society... they can hear it see it touch it smell it etc.. and even develop a sixth sense to improve on the limiting rules of engagement in such a conforming community. However, put these people outside their normal range of the common senses.... then what is before them is invisible. Its not important to them... so they can not see clearly... for instance, these people may not be able to hear or distinguish from bird calls or differing birds. Anything green then is only a plant.
People then who are outside the agreements of what is to be sensed by the collective are then just ignored unless someone is forced or confronted to deal with them as with unseen spirits. So therefore, common sense can be considered a programming or conditioning of the mind. It filters in only stimulus that people deem as useful for their existence and filters out a vast majority of life that is living in the midst of them all.
Ultimately, letting go of filters is easy. Clarity is about clearing conditioned filters. Focus on the contents not the container. Make choices not based on the body or how it is viewed in the external world, but based on virtue, honesty, trust, peace, and kindness. This is authenticity. The truer you are to you, the more you love and less you fear, the wider your scope of awareness. The heart has nothing to prove. It all reveals what people are truly interested in is each other, seeing a divine reflection.
By being forced into a retreat position.... the sick individual shifts from a narrow way of seeing to one of having to shut down the tight knit perceptions in favor of feeling the whole body tingle with sensations. Stomach tensions are purged. Head swelling pushes old energies out... and the psyche is often active in processing that which they didn't allow time for... because they were using mechanisms of collective sense... meaning... they were involved in neural pathways that are common for a culture or society.
However, because these common sense or commonly shared neural pathways are often inundated with activity.... they may require purging and reducing in energy since those portions of the brain are repetitively active. So for some people, this purging will give them the permission or the opportunity to come alive and to operate with their brains lit up in a more even and more healthy fashion. So instead of veins of activity lit up in the brain... which are then the filters of perception... people then have the chance to be available to any given stimulus or spirit in this moment. The more open the mind.... the more fully the brain is lit up for prime receptivity and transmission capabilities.
Therefore their brains are wholely lit up showing that they have vacancy for new tenants and ways of being... However, some will go back to activate those neural pathways till a purging is required to release any excess build up and tensions again.
This said, nobody is ever 'forced into a retreat position.' Its a choice to be sick, to get well or not, much like it is a choice to allow and accept and be love or resist. Its common to feel better after throwing up the unwanted, and both the seen and unseen, is purged. Recognize you require no vacancy inside to be yourself. Nobody is always here. Even illness is a choice to explore a separate state of being. Recall the film Innerspace and the shrunken vehicle travelling inside the body. Imagine yourself witha bird's eye view inside your own body. What does it feel like? Shifting attention brings clarity, clearing. Feel that which is always calmly abiding.
Notice every direct and observed experience, is preparing you for The Way by showing you The Way. Decide to live such that you go more consciously where all teachers go, to your own wisdom, your inner truth. That which is change, you are. Everything reflects divine nature and points to it. The choice to experience the journey of molting; shedding skin, beliefs and lower energies, is simply a journey. All roads lead home. Since change is the only constant, you cannot stay the same.