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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in unconditional (14)


Love brings it up

Unconditional love speaks through everything. It also draws attention to anything that is not love. Notice which relationships, emotions and situations stand out for you.  To step back and digest this empowers you to shift your focus and experience infinity. Love brings to the surface and makes conscious the fear that hides. Love invites you to recognize patterns, false defenses and heal wounds imagined into being. In truth, one is forever perfect, divine, unlimited and constantly expanding into more. Love it!


Allow what is to be

From the moment you allow what is to be, the mind is no longer in charge.  You choose to see fear as it is and not permit it to control you.  Unconditional love flows freely through all of you and you sense it in everything. You shift from a focus on seeking and believing to experience being and knowing.  The truth reveals itself through you.


Allow light to speak through you

Everything of the universe is multi-dimensional.  Based on levels of awareness, wisdom, knowledge and truth reveal themselves. If you are not ready or willing to listen to the heart, you feel discomfort.  Degrees of truth emerge based on levels of fearlessness, or what you are willing to love and accept unconditionally into your scope. 

Words are vibrational patterns or sound. Emotions emit vibration. They arise based on mental perceptions of the past. Feelings arise in the moment and allow what is to express itself. Imagine being the consciousness of the sun or, that of a star.  Allow light to speak through you. Illusions and darkness serve the expansion of one creator. To pinch off unlimited knowing invites you to dig deep within. Allow truth to shatter the paradigm of duality.


Notice the presence of awareness

Some people say the curtain that separates 'here from there' is rising.  Other people think they are separate individuals and see no curtains.  One being sees no division, no separate person.  It notices the presence of awareness everywhere.

If you sense curtains rising, you may anticipate seeing 'the light' or all there is to see.  To respond in this moment from a place of absolute clarity is to realize you are responsible for what you see or do not see.  Notice how experience and focus of attention shift based on how you feel.  Mull this over.  Allow the vibrations to flow freely. 

Wholeness and unconditional love speak through you. Notice the sense of I am. Prayer is a conscious connection or merging with who you are and sensing the power of oneness. Awaken in the dream. Sense immeasurable light and nothing. There is no 'other' except in the mind.

"Unconditional love is not personal or impersonal, it is all-inclusive." -Burt Harding


Perception shifts as you go

You choose to be in the body on this planet right now. You are in the process of remembering who you are.  You are invited to share insight and experience. You can live from the heart and awaken to feeling enlightened.  Some people use mind to make decisions.  Doing so disconnects you from unconditional love and self acceptance.  How does it feel to transcend ego's control? Perception shifts as you go.