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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in trust (74)


Stop Playing it Safe

(Visual Art Bill Brouard- @ Visual Alchemy)

Notice what happens as you stop playing it safe, when all of a sudden, something awakens within you that recognizes you are the one that has been holding yourself back. Its the illusion of fear and conditioned assumptions in the mind that keep us feeling small, powerless or stuck. This revelation is the pivotal moment of finally reclaiming inner power, consciously shifting to focus purely on Soul direction and destiny. Trusting intuition allows energy to flow more freely, can involve abruptly letting go of apparent commitments and aspects of life that previously defined you. Being spontaneous opens channels of vision within you that continue to dazzle and amaze. Creative streams of inspiration arise as if from nowhere. Life experience shifts again. 


Sharpen Soulful Observation

Notice one is never alone. Instances may arise where it feels like your Soul is slowly suffocating, where part of you is holding back from truly living. You may fear failure, judgment or rejection. If, like me, you’ve felt the pulling in your heart and the weight on your shoulders in different directions, it helps to remember discomfort is part of you. Whatever you think or feel at this moment, relates to memories or visions, energies flowing through your etheric and filtering into your mind and emotions. They are valid parts of your life and ways your Soul may be communicating, asking for attention, healing, or change. Life reveals we cannot move forward or listen to Soul if we always pretend to be happy or avoid pain. It surfaces to be loved and accepted. Wisdom is about embracing every struggle and being fully who you are. Soul often speaks to us through life events. The key here is to be observant, see beyond ego. Rather than ask what you want from life, love, or your calling, ask what is best for everyone. Soul may echo very clearly a new path beckons, you've outgrown a career or relationship, are ready study a new subject, move to a new place or create a completely different life. Or, your Soul may echo to practice patience and stick with your current focal point even though it’s hard. Only you know when a lesson is fully learned or whether you still have room left to grow where you are. Trust yourself. Know also that whatever we experience in our physical, emotional and other bodies reflects how we experience Earth's energy, magnetic fields and ongoing shifts in consciousness.


15 Qualities of People Who Have True Integrity

Many people ask what are qualities of individuals who are authentic or harmonious with true being.  One can feel or tune into this in a person's vibration, sense energy and radiance flowing through them.  It can also be helpful to make certain observations. Consider 15 qualities of those who have true integrity;

1. Punctuality

Authentic people are dependable. They value their own time and your time. They do not hold you up. To engage with such a person is to feel respected.

2. Praise

People who live in integrity do not take credit for things they did not do. They always praise those who deserve it.

3. Harmonious

They are their truest forms. You won’t catch them in a lie.

4. Honest

They are open and direct that feel its natural to "tell it like it is."

5. Supportive

They support rather than take advantage of others. They love to build people up and help them get where they need to be. Taking too much from someone else will never be an issue with someone who has a lot of integrity.

6. Non-confrontational

They are not avoidant but peaceful within so non-confrontational. will talk through things or be the astute observer. You cannot and will not force this person into arguing. I find this to be a very respectable trait.

7. Trustworthy

They do what they say and are true to their word. They set an example for others so they also have integrity. 

8. Intuitive

They have a accurate intuition that gives them insight. If someone is down in the dumps they will notice and the compassionate soul will act in the greater good of all. 

9.  Trusting

They accept your word as truth until it is disproven. 

10. Honourable

If they misstep, they apologize. This is just how they are. They own up to their mistake and make things right.

11. Humility

They do not quite know their own worth. They are altruistic and selfless and rarely see it. 

12. Caring

They are always helping other people. They love to know that they have improved someone’s life. It gives their lives meaning.

13. Kind

Giving kindness can go a long way. When someone looks like they need a little pick me up these people deliver. They inspire or brighten up almost anyone’s day.

14. Righteous

Those who do what's right, regardless of the obstacles or challenges.

15. Transparent

They do not hold secrets of hide who they are. They present themselves in the same way to everyone. 



Consciousness is the secret

Notice the nature of the individual spiritual journey is determined by our level of consciousness, not by anything external. Guides may arise at different stages, but they are simply different versions of you. The mental or intellectual part of us is taught to seek a path that is as easy, as quick and as simple as possible. Deeper Being recognizes love and devotion are dimensions of intelligence. Being devoid of or forgetting self, this is devotion. Impatience or sense of time do not come into it. You lose yourself in the flow of what which nourishes joy, aliveness. Focusing in this field shifts vibrations and draws attention to cosmic doorways. Allowing trust and surrender to take the helm lights for all Paths and directions.


Go beyond mind-control

Notice what happens as it dawns that Being itself is guiding each action. Meditation in its true sense can be a way of spontaneously discovering our natural, undivided state. We cannot get to a natural state through divided means. We cannot create natural, effortless states. We can only create unnatural states. As we fall into the state where we cease to manipulate our experience in any way, this is true meditation. Anything else is mind-controlled. Through mind-control, we can create extra-ordinary and mystical states, but not the natural state. Let everything be as it is. This is simple and yet, how often do you attempt to stop the mind, seek be peaceful, or something other than what is? Anyway you manipulate experience, simply notice it and let it go. This gives mind very little to do. The mind is no longer leading the way. It falls into background. The natural, free state only reveals itself through non-doing. It takes some consciousness to notice when we manipulate inner experience. The natural state is ever-present. Its already quiet. There is no reason to get to peace. No search is needed. States we seek through meditation are here. Most meditation is manipulation. This points to distrust of original nature. No need to battle ego. It is a conditioned part of ourselves. Distrust of ego can escalate to distrusting the essence of Being. Its why we seek to control. Letting go of our conditioned urge to manipulate inner experience guides one to natural awareness.