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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in Self-disclosure (15)


Sense happiness, joy, bliss as they R

Some human beings feel inclined to use the same words to describe different experiences.  It can be helpful to differentiate among ideas of happiness, joy and bliss.  Consider your range of love energy vibrations. As you attune to true self, you learn the power of Self-disclosure and what unfolds energetically within.  Soul is known and felt.

Let's say that happiness is grounded in personality and is experienced as a reactive emotion.

Joy may be felt as a quality of the soul. It is experienced when its heart energy aligns in the mind.

Bliss is the fundamental nature of Spirit and is not realized until oneness or soul-realignment occurs.


It begins with you

Every moment, you are developing intuition.  How? You focus attention on certain things.  You are engaged in a transition within transitions. You know where you are going. Its in the programming of the subconscious mind.  Whether you choose to align more consciously with this intention is up to you.  Initiative begins with you.

The universe is guiding you through your thoughts.  You filter energy vibration and decide whether you think with the mind or feel with the heart.  Why? You are empowered as you take opportunities to push resistance out. 

You embody all the required resources now.  Yet, you may not realize it is up to you to engage in Self-Disclosure, to initiate changes from withn.  As you raise your vibration and grow willing to listen to your inner self, you open as a conduit to invite specific conditions.  You grow willing to expand consciousness and tune in to love vibrations.

Whatever you focus on, whatever you write or discuss, you create this energy and bring it into being.  This includes new awareness of what you are, stages of unseen transformational experience or, something else. You can choose to wrestle your way into expanded perception of light or transmit light through unselfish service.

As you continue a chosen journey, you may feel shared vibration is expanding inter-connectedness.  You may tune into this without force.  You may sense the etheric (energy) body of every human is connected to the energy of the planet, the solar system and all expression of life.  As you receive energy impulses, you may feel new insight into Cosmic Synchroncity. If such ideas do not resonate, let the student not accept what is offered or still flowing forth.


Create new pathways

Create new pathways by generating new thoughts.  You think yourself into life.  You certify yourself as being whatever labels you adopt. There is no mystery to this.  Simply take responsibility for defining success within the parameters that are you.  Every moment, you reconnect to some part of the real you.

You can take any vehicle you choose to get to where you wish to go.  What does it mean to be aware? To be spiritually-awake? People sometimes feel conflicted when they use technology. If it works for you, use it.

Tools and teachers are available to guide you during your journey.  It all comes down to realizing nothing outside of self offers you the answers you require.  Guides you trust help get you on track or, encourage you to shift focus if you feel temporarily lost or confused.  Reach out to rediscover what feels right.

You are here by choice. This is a step in your own transformation.  You are making choices that empower you to awaken and experience this physical life more fully.  Consider varied tools available to you or suggest some more.


What feels right?

As you choose to reflect on what you think is happening and step outside of that to realize what is really happening, you have unlimited opportunities.  You work through different layers of dreams. 

What if you arrive at a point in your life when your values and priorities change? What if this triggers changes in perception, lifestyle choices, how you manage money and resources? Its a wake-up call. 

What you are feeling now could relate to a kundalini breakthrough, stages of expanding faculties and senses, the opening of the third eye,  spiritual awakening or your response to ongoing energy shifts.

You are invited to step back and experience what is happening more fully without fear or resistance.  The level of conscious awareness within is drawing attention to certain things.  Nothing external creates your experience. Only you give meaning to that.   Love and accept what you feel.

Self-deception is not the same as not the same as self-disclosure.  You figure out which is which.


Shapeshifting & reality beyond 2012

The few only control the many as long as the many choose to be controlled and choose not to awaken. Could 2012 be a diversion?  Does linear time have any impact on your true identity? Some people would say no.  What do you believe?

Self-disclosure is unfolding on a massive scale.  You initiate your own changes from within. As my recent book invites you to rediscover, how you think and feel now changes everything.

Energetic changes are ongoing.  Yet, not everyone chooses to accept what arises from within.  How do you choose to experience your own reality? As people open mind and consciousness to greater possibilities, they perceive and experience greater possibilities.  You sense and attract what is unimaginable before this stage of vivid remembering.

Watch this except of a series of interviews with David Icke. How does his perception resonate with yours?

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