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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in power (58)


Create more deliberately now

Everything you deliberately create begins to emerge long before you experience the manifestation. You know the true nature of who you are and the implications. The degree you choose to consciously accept this shapes not what unfolds or, what exists, but how quickly you accept and experience what already is. Each word and thought is like a cloud that obscures the truth or a gust of wind that blows clouds away. A human mind does not begin to imagine what it means to align with your Source energy and power.  Feel it.


See beyond the obvious

Some people talk incessantly about what the physical senses define as reality. For them, the obvious is obvious. Life is unfolding and the script is playing out beyond them.

Another perspective holds that people are not powerless to alter the unfolding script of life. To them, seeing beyond the obvious is to recognize they are constanly changing and evolving, relating to life events differently. they do not have to know but feel their way along.  They figure what they do not know, what is not yet obvious or clear, is perfect.

Part of you is oblivious to the obvious. This offers additional possibilities and perspectives. What do you feel? What would prompt you to shift beyond what the mind tells you is obvious? Listen to soul-level vibration. As you are in the process of healing, expanding and growing or perceptions of life change, everything you do serves you to the degree you allow. Identify all your feelings. Notice how they catapult you intoa wider connection with life.


Discern the energy shift

Its easy to get bogged down with events you perceive to be unfolding around you. Do you lose sight of the energy shifts occuring within and around you? Notice the currents of energy that take shape in emotions and perceptions. Notice whether ego takes a god-like role in your life or fades into the serene emptiness.  Notice how you experience and exercise power and whether silence and humbleness reign as teachers.


Reason like a mystic

Many people question the nature of transformation, or wonder how to speed it up or slow it down.  You may reflect on what is unfolding during your own process. What traits or qualities capture your attention?

You may hear people inquire how to levitate or perform other earthly miracles while in the physical body.  Consider ego desire for fame and power. How does this shape the experience of divine grace?

In truth, nobody skips levels of awareness. Deeper remembering arises in tandem with awareness. Its not what you have but how you use it.  In silence, you notice and feel more. Universal laws reveal themselves beyond words. Core compassion guides selfless acts. As the unenlightened observer awakens to how truth transcends the physical world, he frees self from ego and illusion and opens to love without limits. 

The notion that mystical experiences can be grasped and controlled by the mind overlooks how one is invited to use events that defy reason to break through the barriers of reason itself.  In essence, a physical you does not exist to learn to perform miracles, but to disprove the belief of a need.  To awaken to the limitless being you are, is to align with soul, open fully to inner power, and know being is already a miracle.


Make the most of where you are

How you experience where you are is all about you.  If you do not like where you are, why not change the color of lenses in your glasses? Take a few minutes to reflect on what makes you tick.  Consider that you are doing the best you can where you are.  You create your expectations.  You also have the power to change them. Make the most of where you are.

Now, imagine you are a dish of food that blurs boundaries.  What are you?  How do you surprise yourself?  Why do you feel super juicy, savor, tangy, bitter, sweet, salty or emerge as your version of a mountain of food Everest? Remember that it is never truly a mountain you have to conquer, but the self-created fear within yourself.