Deepen connection to the Sun
Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Love everything. Be fully present. All doors are open."- Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Notice what happens as we tune into the Source power that has designed the cosmos. When mind is totally present, we receive information from the external world, from within and from wider superconsciousness. Insights stemming from these levels of consciousness are often forgetten in the modern, disconnected world. Those who experience altered states realize far more exists to us than the monkey mind, physical body or conditioned, limited views of realty. Imagine you could navigate life in a much more graceful and grounded manner, a life than can be of service to the planet in a conscious and expanded way. The more multi-level, multi-sensory and multi-dimensional intelligence we access and apply to the apparent external problems, the easier it is to surf through. The nature of problems we face are virtually impossible to solve from the level of ordinary consciousness. Ego consciousness is a developed state based on projections and belief systems, fears, desires and culture. The ego prevents expansion because it blocks information it resists or does not want to know. Most people in ego consciousness choose subconsciously not to develop intelligence beyond the level which allows them to fit into society. The aspects we cannot make sense of or problems that seem beyond us can in fact be easily solved if we are willing to recieve and decode all the information that is available to us. From the moment one recognizes that one is an inhabitant of the cosmos which is made of vibrational information, humans are no longer helpless in a situation that seems beyond their control. HUmans take responsibility for their role in creating everything and reclaim power to alter perception and reality. Consciousness is often limited to the study of neuroscience while what is overlooked is this supertool is accessible to all to deepen understanding of the Self. Modern yoga exists for us to recognize consciousness is the energetic basis of reality. If we simply find ways to relate to our peers, we stay in the darkness of our own fear of greatness. We must be willing to transcend language, imagery and models through which we are taught to live. A higher level of symbolic understanding requires deep self-acceptance, letting go of what we outgrow and seeing everything based on vibrational frequency. We are developing a psychic technology within that allows us to access, download and integrate information that enables us to solve issues created by our own low-level mind. We also created the Matrix to awaken and catapult out.
(The Painter-Visionary Art by Annie Kyla Bee) the clairvoyant is already developing within the states of consciousness to which the future of all humanity is advancing. It dawns the heart is not simply the physical pump widely taught but rather, a spiralling organ of multi-sensory perception. What the clairvoyant sees in form of clouds of light and colour around the human physical body (aura) will change into physical form. What visionary artists express in paintings will also emerge in the physical dimension. As fear dissipates, activating senses are already giving human beings the capacity to perceive other forms and realities. Already, the clairvoyant, using active spiritual senses, sees the spiritual models of what are to be material entities. This is a stage before instant manifestation. Imagine a world where the thought of colour emerges as colour itself, where the concept of sound is sound that is received and heard instantly through the ethers like a telepathic message by beings on the same wavelength. Imagine that vibrational downloads need not be translated via music compositions or played by instruments for others to hear a composer's vision. As Earth transforms itself, humans also enter into conscious discourse with beings completely hidden from current sensory perception. The nature of perception is expanding, such that actions, feelings and all interactions with the environment and unseen, are completely transforming. While it is common for many humans to influence sensory beings, we are evolving to act consciously on very different forces and powers. We are growing to receive and work with influences from different realms. Ideas of birth and death fall away from as it dawns "death" only occurs when consciousness depends on the external world to which it enters into dialogue with physical seses. When these physical sense organs fail, every relation to external environment ceases and "death" occurs. Yet, as Soul the is so far advanced it no longer receives or depends on the external world through physical instruments , but receives them through images the Soul creates out of itself, then it reaches the point where it interfaces with environments independently. Life cannot be interrupted against Soul's will. This kind of collective psychic consciousness is is the state of the Soul on the emerging Earth. We are moving to consciously create images, sounds, objects, beings, and more. The consequence is humans will perceive and interact more widely with beings of a higher kind than those generally encountered. The cosmic alchemist is emerging and transmuting.
To shed ourselves of all that is not us, all that is unreal, we are each invited to systematically review and let go of versions of ourselves linked to 5 areas of our lives. In each area, we are. invited to grow aware of ego-driven thoughts and action and shift into heartfelt state of being. It is only by doing so that we move through different levels of initiation and consciousness to blossom into who we truly are. Step back and imagine the best version of you emerging from a clean slate with no judgement. Begin with current views on these 5 areas:
1) Money
2) Identity
3) Dreams
4) Reputation
5) Associations
Notice the ocean is a conduit that allows us to connect and interact with vast, unexplored worlds, dimensions and energies. The ocean is akin to the breath. Both invite us to be aware of all that comes and goes on the horizon, from breath-taking sunsets to life-giving sunrises and everything that flows or shocks us in-between. Tuning into calming waves grounds us in a breathing rhythm that renews us. Imagine feeling refreshing water soak our feet. This reminds us we breathe the same air, share the sand and Earth we walk on. We all have ability to climb higher, embrace rocky challenges, develop resilience and ingenuity, and come to see everything from completely new vantage points. Self-directed action shifts vibration and collective consciousness.