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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in physical (15)


Feel your way home

Notice the feelings in your gut about a sense of home.  One perspective conditions you to identify physical elements and associations of what this means such as geography, heritage, and structure.  Beyond this, you sense a feeling much bigger and brighter than what you are told. You are invited to feel your way home.  From this view, home is a timeless, spaceless experience, that has nothing to do with what the human mind tells you.

Consider that to speak of and focus on what is coming distracts you from what other people say is reality. From the broader, non-physical perspective, you have a particular understanding of how things are, of what home feels like.  You also know all dreams are answered.  There is no need to impose your understanding. You know what you know and have nothing to prove. If something is not relevant for you, you would not encounter it. A sense of home shifts as you grasp the root lesson speaking to you.

The authentic you knows you never leave home.  You only pinch yourself off from it long enough to realize you always come full circle.  The assumption that there must be more to life may inspire you to travel far and wide.  Regardless of the nature of your perceived journey, revelations are the same.  Physical senses give way to reveal more.

"Home is not where you live, by where you feel understood." -Christian Morganstern


Choose to allow inner guidance

Everyone is given the information about how to move to a place of ultimate health and well-being and yet, not everyone chooses to listen. Everyone has infinite capacities yet, some people exist in a state of mind where they choose to deny that. Everyone is multi-sensual yet, some people ignore their higher senses.   Everyone is fundamentally innocent and free yet, many find reason to feel guilty and imprisoned by mind.

Why do you choose not to live in the present every moment? Why do you resist enjoying everything about your life now? Why do you limit your experience in any way? Why are you attached to particular events and people? Why fear outcomes?  Why not smile at everything and take everything as a blessing in stride?

Not everyone consciously shifts their vibration to tap into wisdom available to them, yet some people choose to remember innate fearlessness. The conditions of your existence determine your level of receptivity to all you are given, to what the real you knows about the physical and non-physical. You opt to be soothed or annoyed by it all.  Funny, you cannot cease to be or cease to discover all that is new.


Feel your way to the truth

Imagine rays of light extending from you and drinking in the feelings of the external world.  What vivid impressions come to you?  Get past the visual information that is detected by the physical senses. Etheric energy reveals far more of itself.  Notice the process of moving beyond your inhibitions and fear of being wrong.  Perception can be expanded in varied directions.  Each empowers you to trust.  Go with the flow.


Know who you already are

Right now, your chosen focus is conveying energetic vibrations.  You know that this is a vibrational universe and you are a vibrational being.  You know what exists for you and you are in the process of remembering how to claim what is yours.  What captures your attention? What resonates or not?

1.  You are a physical extension of that which is non-physical, that which is indescribable by the mind.

2.  You create your own perceived reality and experience with every thought and emotion.

3.  You are a vibrational match to your current conditions and they are changeable with deliberate intent.

4.  You have to feel what you desire and resonate the vibration in the present moment to have or be it.

5.  You can feel what vibrational jump is required to shift states of mind and manifest a new reality.

6.  You have to be willing feel things that you have no physical evidence to support.

7.  Your core frequency reveals the unconditional love and well-being that are you.

8.  You have no need for anything as you drop all resistance to who you are.  

9.  You close the gap between knowing and expectation and see how the universe speaks.

10.  You take notice of the previously unseen, accept freedom and infinite possibility. 

11.  You know death is illusion.  The essence of being is immortal.

12.  You know and feel what makes you strong, real, and what everything in-between is about.  


The world is in you

Many people develop the belief they exist in the physical world rather than the physical world exists in them.  Consider your own perspective.  How do you rationalize?  What if you discern you create your experience and have power to alter perception, dissolve and re-create?  All happens as you choose, provided you sincerely want it.  You create out of desire and fear in order to remember how to deal with them.  When you forget who you are, you create impersonators.  At your leisure, and on your terms, you Transform Your Life.

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