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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Know who you already are

Right now, your chosen focus is conveying energetic vibrations.  You know that this is a vibrational universe and you are a vibrational being.  You know what exists for you and you are in the process of remembering how to claim what is yours.  What captures your attention? What resonates or not?

1.  You are a physical extension of that which is non-physical, that which is indescribable by the mind.

2.  You create your own perceived reality and experience with every thought and emotion.

3.  You are a vibrational match to your current conditions and they are changeable with deliberate intent.

4.  You have to feel what you desire and resonate the vibration in the present moment to have or be it.

5.  You can feel what vibrational jump is required to shift states of mind and manifest a new reality.

6.  You have to be willing feel things that you have no physical evidence to support.

7.  Your core frequency reveals the unconditional love and well-being that are you.

8.  You have no need for anything as you drop all resistance to who you are.  

9.  You close the gap between knowing and expectation and see how the universe speaks.

10.  You take notice of the previously unseen, accept freedom and infinite possibility. 

11.  You know death is illusion.  The essence of being is immortal.

12.  You know and feel what makes you strong, real, and what everything in-between is about.  

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Reader Comments (8)

Hi Liara,

I agree on all points.
Just sending you good vibrations and hoping they reach you in due time.
Happy Blessings my friend.
September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
1 ~ Perhaps on most levels there is no physical, and that all is spiritual ..... what makes it physical is our collective hardened beliefs and the dense bonds that are resistant and hesitant to change.

2 ~ This shows that we are each living in our own dream and that all dreams are true on some level, because we create them with our thoughts and the feelings that resonate with us. But dreams can change quickly when we no longer attach ourselves to that which we think we are seeing.

3 ~ What we see is a reflection of our inner self....that energy we have invited into us. And the exterior world is then a reflection of our interior world. Change our thoughts and summon new feelings, and we change and shape the things to come in the exterior world.

4 ~ To make something New Happen..... we have to feel as if it Is Here Now. We then embody the feeling and it then broadcasts out into the environment for others to potentially resonate with and to match your frequency. This resonance then dances and shapes Nature in relationship to your New Image.

5 ~ You can sense what type of spirit or energy can be injected into a scenario for all others to benefit and to raise their own personal vibrations.

6 ~ If a presence enters our sphere of awareness, it is a calling that has been answered and a potential solution to a question or problem. If we feel this presence and allow it into our heart, it becomes a present which is then gifted to the world through your acceptance of the energy, thereby transforming the universe around us.

7 ~ At the center of all things is Love, no matter what form it takes. It is the soul encased by matter and that which we have locked ourselves into. We are therefore, all related at the core of our Being.

8 ~ Need or neediness keeps one separated from Being and expressing their core soulful essence. We feel who we are when we surrender the ego and those concepts that separate us from all that we see and experience.

9 ~ Expectations locks what we perceive in place. There are then few variables and allowances. One gets what they expect......therefore, if we drop expectations and exceptions, we are open to accepting All, which is everything that comes our Way.

10 ~ We have invited many things and energies into our sphere and orbit of potential Being, but they are invisible to many and are waiting to be received. They are intentions that want conclusion and fulfillment. Once the air is cleared and all has been resolved, we realize we can invite any experience where everything is possible. Doubt is dropped from the vocabulary and infinity is at our doorstep.

11 ~ When we find life and excitement in every moment, death dies and ceases and evaporates, allowing for One to enter into a frictionless state where one lives from moment to moment no matter what form we occupy. You have your awareness wherever you go ...... this moment, when entered into, makes us all immortal. Mortality exists only when one believes and subscribes to death.

12 ~ With a Universal Key, we can open any door. When all rooms are vacated.... we are in-between worlds of exploration.
September 30, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter~ bern ~
This was a great post, Its really useful to every individual. Thanks for the tips you share with us @ God Bless!!!
September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Milferd
Alexys, as one remembers to control emotions and develops acute peripheral vision, one realizes everyone has potential to feel and experience what the physical senses do not detect.
September 30, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, its always meaningful to query the inner power so one strengthens non-mental connections to higher perception, consciousness or inner knowing.

1- As a person speaks with you, reach out and touch them with your feelings.
2- Dream symbols speak through their own special language.
3- The nature of experience emerges through the perception of the beholder.
4- Reach into the heart of the beholder to disern how he feels (can differ from what he says).
5- Choosing not to take anything personally alters one's vantage point.
6- Presence never leaves you. One accepts and allows or resists and denies what is.
7- Love is form and formless. It is freedom. To know one is love is to know prison is illusion.
8- To see through the illusions projected by ego triggers timeless revelations.
9- Rule of thumb: expect the unexpected.
10-Infinity knows no boundaries.
11- Dissolve fear and all associated illusions fade way too.
12- You hold the skeleton key that gives access to everything now.
September 30, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I drop all resistance to me. My ego wants to talk, so I listen, but I do not agree.
I do not subscribe to death, whoo -hoo! Fun and joy forever!!

October 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, everything is a teacher that invites one to show unconditional love and compassion and also to move beyond the conditioned impulse to judge. To sense nothing is everything.
October 1, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
John, to keep an open mind is to be receptive to endless possibilities.
October 1, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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