Who to sit beside?

Analysis of dream from Anonymous in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Dream- I entered a bus through a rear door passed individuals in vibrant seats that reminded me of a futuristic spaceship. I was looking for a place to sit. Part of me was drawn toward a man who sat across from two women on the other side of a table at the back. He shook his head. Then, I walked to the front of a bus and asked to sit next to a lady with gray air who filled the seat beside her with recycling. She sat behind the driver's seat. She told me the seat next to her was taken. I found keys in my pocket. I assumed the driver's seat, inserted keys in the ignition and ejected through the open sunroof.
Predominant Emotions- ambiguous, reverent, and inspired.
Interpretation- You initially shirk responsibilities. This enables you to explore options you do not know exist. People attract you in part due to differences in attitude, lifestyle and behaviour. Experience teaches appearances and emotional baggage do not change the universal lessons or core spirit.
Where you are reveals you are capable of adapting to different circumstances. Temporary efforts you make to conform to groups or mindsets do not permit you to strengthen a sense of belonging. This draws attention to your creative mind power, and initiates a key shift in awareness and perspective.
Pockets remind you that you have untapped abilities waiting to be rediscovered and used. As you realize you unconsciously hide knowledge from your conscious self, you slowly come to accept your true self and take the driver's seat in your life.
Everything points to the same Source. You are in charge of the direction, dimension and orientation of your energy being. You are only limited by criteria you invent, impose and dissolve. You sit beside ego until you learn to detach completely and set the Soul free. Permit light to shine wherever you venture to go.